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"Derek, we should get up." Meredith whispered as she had been laying on her side to take weight off from the pressure sore she had

"I know." Derek nodded, he had his wife wrapped safely in his arms. "But I love having you close."

"We should check on Em, to see if she's being nice to your parents." Meredith muttered

"Of course she is, she's probably watching some tv or playing with Mark." Derek kissed her forehead and sat up. "Do I lift you?" He offered

Meredith nodded and was lifted into her wheelchair. They then left their bedroom and made their way to the living room

She wheeled inside, feeling everyone's eyes on them, not in a bad way but she was just very self conscious

"We placed Em down for a nap while Mom started on dinner." Mark explained, rubbing Addison's swollen feet

"Think you'll have to switch your heels for a comfy pair of sneakers." Derek winked at the redhead, staying behind Meredith so she could decide between staying in her wheelchair or getting on the couch

"I already did." Addison groaned, leaning back against the cushion while Meredith stayed in her wheelchair next to the couch

Derek took a seat on the end of the couch so he was still next to her

"You're gorgeous." Mark grabbed her in his arms

"I'm swollen." Addison chuckled. "How's your girl behaving?" The redhead turned to face Meredith

Meredith moved her hand up to her stomach every second she had her hands free to compensate for not feeling the baby inside of her

"She's quite active. And I'm really hungry, getting my appetite back." The blonde smiled, she really hated her NG tube

"That's great!" Addison smiled

"Dinner-" Carolyn walked inside. "Mer! Der! Good to see you, dinner is ready. Do I start serving?" She asked

"I'll help you." Mark offered as the others got up and took place at the table

"Are you comfortable?" Derek asked as Meredith wheeled underneath the table, waiting as the food was about to be served

"Yeah." Meredith nodded and looked into her husband's eyes. "I love you." She whispered

"I love you too." Derek whispered back as Carolyn served the food

The family had their dinner, until Emme walked inside with her stuffy clutched to her chest.

"Mama.." She whispered, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes

"Hi princess, come here." She said and wheeled back so her daughter would be able to sit on her lap

"Hi." Emma smiled as everyone said hi to her, climbing up her mother's lap

"Here, try a piece." Meredith scooped up a bit

"Is yummy." Emma nodded, her tiny arms wrapped around Meredith

"Do you want some, honey?" Carolyn asked the little girl

"Uhu." The little girl nodded her head, clutching her stuffed bunny tighter to her chest


A while later they all decided to watch a movie, even Addison and Derek as they'd stay the night at the Shepherd's house

"Can I lift you on the couch?" Derek asked Meredith, not wanting her to stay on her chair the entire night

"Yeah." Meredith nodded, glad they were the only ones in the living room so far

Derek lifted her onto the couch and got her comfortable, making sure she wasn't putting any pressure on her pressure sore

"Emmie, wanna cuddle with us?" Derek asked as his daughter was sitting on the carpet whilst playing

"Yes!" She giggled and ran towards them, launching herself onto the couch

"Careful-" Derek gasped as she almost fell onto Meredith's stomach

"Sowwy.." She looked shocked

"It's okay, princess. Just be careful for your little sister, okay?" Meredith reminded her daughter

The girl sheepishly nodded and cuddled into them

"Ah of course you're lazing around, Shep." Mark laughed as he fell onto the couch, waiting for Addison to come

"Sure Mark." Derek rolled his eyes

"What did we miss? The boys are arguing again?" Christopher chuckled as he, Carolyn and Addison entered

"As always." Meredith chuckled softly, her feeding running as she felt pretty tired

"Well let's find a movie we can watch." Carolyn smiled as she loved having her family here

As they were halfway through the movie Meredith had fallen asleep, just like Emma was also asleep

"Thanks mom for having us over." Derek quietly said

"Of course, Derek. We love having you over." She squeezed her son's hand

"Thanks for clearing some stuff for her. We really, really appreciate it." Derek said and went back to watching the movie until they got disturbed as Meredith's leg started spasming, waking up their daughter

"Emmie, come here-" Mark quickly stood up to carry her, her lower lip trembling as she abrubtly woke up

"It's okay honey." Derek told his daughter, trying to calm Meredith's leg down, she woke up as the spasm was very wild

"My leg?" She tiredly asked, suddenly realizing everyone was watching

"It's okay, you can continue napping." Derek assured her, knowing they had paused the movie, even if they had great intentions

Meredith nodded her head, curling into Derek's body as she felt quite embarrassed

"It's okay." Derek whispered, seeing his dad turn the movie on

"Think this little girl wants to be back to her mommy and daddy." Derek walked over to place the girl down like before

"Come here. I'm sorry, monkey." Meredith whispered in her daughter's ear

"Nothing to be sorry about." Derek whispered, not wanting Meredith to feel bad

Meredith was unable to focus on the movie and instead brushed her fingers through Emma's blonde curls

Once again, I've been busy. I try to update at least once every two days. I'm also working on my new story but i've been in the hospital, seen doctors, working on recovery and tomorrow i have my first real classes so please be a little patient <3

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