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"Mer, we'll discharge you but you'll need to stay rehabilitating." Amy remembered her sister. "But I want you up for a final pair of scans."

"I know." Meredith sighed and rolled her eyes. She pushed herself in a sitting position

"Easy. Your back is fixed but that doesn't mean you don't have to be careful." Derek said, really worried she was overdoing herself

"I know. I'm gonna take things easy, Der." Meredith assured him

Derek suddenly got paged together with Amelia for a car crash

"Go. I'll get those scans done and I can take Em for lunch later on with mom and dad." Meredith assured her husband, knowing he'd worry about her

"Okay. Love you." Derek quickly kissed her and ran off with Amy as he needed to get changed into some scrubs first

Meredith was reading her book while waiting. Eventually Murphy walked inside

"Dr Grey, I need to take you for your scans." She said

"Okay." Meredith smiled. She had really given her another chance and believed she meant well

"You can transfer." Murphy nodded

"Sorry, can you hand me my transferboard?" Meredith asked as she couldn't bend that easily with the brace still on, now only on her torso

"Of course." Murphy handed it over and let Meredith transfer on her own

Meredith didn't wanna ask for more help. She was used to doing this so she just continued. She eventually got in her wheelchair

"Let's go then." Murphy nodded and led the way. Meredith really had to push hard to keep up. Murphy was doing it on purpose, every time Meredith catched up she went just a little faster

Eventually the two arrived and Meredith had to admit she felt sore after a week of mainly staying in bed

"You can wait here, I'm sorry. There were some emergencies." Murphy said and let Meredith wait, she disappeared completely

Meredith sighed, she understood the hospital 200% as she grew up here. She daw people passing by, doctors running up and down and eventually after a while Murphy returned

"Dr Grey? They can take you now." She said and led her inside

"You think you can get onto the stretcher?" Murphy asked

"No." Meredith looked and sighed

"I'll go get some extra help. I'll be back soon." Murphy said and disappeared, leaving Meredith on her own again, after a while she came in with Alex

"Hey." He smiled and lifted her onto the CT scanner

"You don't have to save kiddos?" Meredith laughed

"Nope." He chuckled and followed Murphy to wat h the scans

Eventually the scans were taken and Alex helps her back into her wheelchair

"I got it from here." Alex said. "Come on, Mer. Your scans looked great, you'll be out of here soon." He smiled and waited until his friend started pushing herself back. "Need a push?" He asked, noticing her weak pushes

"Yeah please." She nodded, giving in as she knew she had to take things easy

The two of them chatted along while returning back to Meredith's room

"Mer, shit.. I gotta go." Alex' pager went off

"Go." She laughed as she watched him hurry off. She entered her room and decided to wait for her parents but she felt her back bothering her and was debating to push the nurse button to get some help

"Alex paged me. He asked me to make sure you got into bed safely." Addison came running in

"He cares too much." Meredith chuckled. Addison grabbed her transferboard and helped Meredith get into bed.

"Comfy like this?" Addison asked. Meredith immediately felt the relief on her spine as it was still sore from having surgery

"Yeah, thanks Addie." Meredith nodded. "When can we continue? With IVF?" Meredith carefully asked

"Whenever you're ready, Amelia clears you. I think in less than a month from now." Addison tucked her in

"I hope. I really hope. This wasn't meant to happen." Meredith sighed

"It wasn't meant to, no. But it's a bump in the road, you guys can still try." Addison assured her. "You seem happy."

"I want another baby." Meredith nodded her head. "I think I can do this."

"I know you can. Look at Em, she's the cutest kid someone can imagine." Addison nodded

"She is." Meredith nodded but started yawning

"Take a nap. Mom, dad and Em will be here in a while. Page me before you leave." Addison said and waited until Meredith had fallen asleep to leave

About an hour later Carolyn, Christopher and Emma entered Meredith's hospital room

"Mommy asweep!" Emma said

"Yes, looks like it. Do you wanna wake her up?" Christopher asked

"Yes!" Emma smiled

Christopher lifted his granddaughter carefully onto the bed, Meredith still sound asleep

"Go ahead but be gentle." He assured Emma she was allowed to wake up her mom

"Mama!" Emma giggled, placing a soft kiss on Meredith's cheek. "Mama! Wake!" She giggled

Meredith immediately recognized her daughter's voice, she smiled widely as she opened her eyes and saw Emma above her

"Mama!" Emma giggled and hugged Meredith

"Hello monkey. Did you have a great time with nana and poppa?" Meredith asked, making a poor attempt to get up

"Wait." Christopher stopped her and raised the head of the bed while guiding her body into a sitting position

"Lot's of fun!" Emma nodded. "Nana and I made cookies! Lots and lots of them!"

"Oh really? I hope you brought some?" Meredith asked playfully

"Nope! But we got some home! You coming home, mommy!" Emma jumped up and down

"Easy, princess. Carefull for mommy." Christopher lifted her off the bed

"Dad, I'm okay." Meredith said, knowing her dad was too careful

"I know, Mer. I just don't want you in any discomfort." He brushed his hand over her blonde hair

"I'm doing much better already." She assured him. "Come on, I heard they have great cake at the cafeteria today." Meredith said and started to get herself ready to transfer back to her wheelchair. Carolyn helped Emma down the bed while Christopher made sure Meredith was safe while leaving her as independent as possible

And another oneeee

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