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"Girls, please get yourself dressed." Meredith begged. She was completely worn out and was supposed to meet Derek at the hospital for lunch before she'd go visit Christopher and Carolyn

"Mama, want my pink dress!" Grace said

"Let me help." Meredith nodded and followed after her daughter. She got Grace dressed, fixed her hair and helped her to put on her shoes and jacket. "Can you go get your sister for me?" Meredith asked so she could put on her own shoes

"Mommy! We can go!" Grace ran in together with Emma

"Perfect." Meredith hurried as Emma put on her shoes and jacket as well. "Let's go to the car." She nodded

A while later they arrived at the hospital. Meredith parked in her own parking spot and got her wheelchair out. Emma helped to unbuckle her sister and the three got out of the car and went inside the hospital

"Where's daddy's new office?" Both girls ask in excitement

"It's where Richard's office was." Meredith smiled and wheeled in between her two girls, leading the way

"Can I knock?" Grace asked as they arrived.

"You both can knock." Meredith smiled softly and watched as both girls started knocking

"Daddy doesn't reply." Emma said after a few seconds

Meredith wheeled forward and knocked again. She heard nothing so she attempted to open his office door but it was closed

"Seems like daddy's not here. Maybe we should go to my office, we can wait there." Meredith suggested

"But I'm hungwy!" Grace complained sadly

"Climb up my lap, we'll see if I got a snack in my office." Meredith said softly, not wanting the little girl to throw a tantrum

Emma watched her sister climb up her mother's lap and reached out to hold onto her wheelchair. She knew it was safer to hold on and not get lost. They made their way over to Meredith's office. Luckily she had kept her position as head of general for now, she could still do paperwork in her office and operate her specialty from her chair

"Hey Grey! Hi girls." Bailey walked up to them

"Hi Bailey, do you know where Derek is?" Meredith asked

"I saw him in the ER earlier, do I page him?" Bailey asked

"No, no worries." Meredith assured her. "Say bye bye to Dr Bailey."

"Bye!" The girls waved

Meredith opened the door of her office and let Emma go first

"Secret cabinet!" Emma giggled as she knows her mother's hidden candy stash

The girls each grabbed a quick snack and started enjoying

Meredith grabbed her phone and started texting Derek but suddenly her door flew open

"I'm sorry!" Derek ran inside and quickly went to kiss Meredith

"Is everything okay?" Meredith asked her husband

"Yeah sorry, just been so busy. Hi girls, you two are snacking already?" He asked while raising his brow

"I didn't know how much longer it'd take and they were hungry." Meredith explained. "Bailey said you were in the ER. Did Nelson take over from you?"

"Patient died." Derek sighed sadly, grabbing her hand

"I'm sorry, that never gets easier." She squeezed his hand softly. "I love you."

"I love you too." Derek kissed her lips

"Girls, group hug! Then we'll go find ourselves some lunch." Meredith said, wanting to comfort Derek by involving the girls


Are you coming along with us? We're going to see mom and dad." Meredith asked Derek as they finished having lunch

"I wish I could." Derek sighed and checked his schedule. "I'll stop by later, okay?" Derek checked

"Sure. Just.. Please come." Meredith asked him, squeezing his hand

"I will. I will." Derek nodded and kissed her hand. "Make sure mom saves me a cookie." He laughs softly

"Hmm... Does she really have to?" Meredith laughs

"Yes. She has to." Derek chuckled and his pager went off. "Damnit. Girls, I'll see you later. Love you, Mer." He kissed Meredith's head, quickly hugged the girls and ran off

"Well, we'll clean our plates and we'll go see nana and poppa." Meredith announced and took her own plate onto her lap, Emma carrying the other one and they cleaned it all up, then making their way out to the car and getting themselves in and driving to the Shepherd's house.

"Nana! Nana!" Grace yelled

"Wait a minute, honey." Meredith said as she tried to hurry with getting out of the car

Emma unbuckled herself and her sister, waiting for her mom to open the door

As Meredith opened the door, Emma walked out and Grace started running to the front door

"Em- Stay here-" Meredith gasped as she saw her daughter running off

"I'll grab her." Emma said and ran after her sister

Meredith closed the door and wheeled after them, up the ramp to the house as Carolyn opened the door

"Hi girls, I'm glad to see you." She hugged her two grandchildren

"Hi nana!" They both smiled and headed inside

"Hi Meredith." Carolyn bend down to hug Meredith

"Hi mom." Meredith said completely exhausted

"Are you okay, dear?" Carolyn frowned

"Yeah, I'm fine." Meredith nodded

"Go lay down on the couch or in bed and take a nap." Carolyn instructed

"I can't, mom." Meredith sighed

"Yes you can, we'll keep an eye on your girls. Promised."

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