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"Dr Shepherd, we really have no idea." William, the investigator told her

"My wife couldn't have done this, okay? There's no way she can hang up that bag. And any nurse would have noticed it was blood." Derek explained

"Dr Shepherd is right." Nancy Klein confirmed

"We know. I know. But as long as we don't find who did this it's your wife who's gonna be punished." William sighed

"Things can't work like this. You spoke to my wife! She's an excellent doctor. She can't go to prison. She fights for every single patient. We have a daughter!" Derek stood up, leaning on the table, really desperate. "I almost forgot how to support her in the past. I- I won't let that happen again!"


"Mer.. maybe- maybe you should focus on going back to do research?" Derek suggested carefully

"Why?" Meredith turned her chair around

"I don't know if it's good for your mental health."Derek worried

"You don't get to decide that! This is my life! They took my legs, they're not taking my surgical skills!" Meredith argued, wanting to run from the situation

"I don't mean it like that.." Derek sighed, stepping closer

"Don't." Meredith said and wheeled off to their bedroom. She threw herself on the bed, her chair abandoned and unlocked so it moved a bit further than she had hoped

She started sobbing in her pillow, not even bothering that the way her legs were placed was hurting her back. She had only finished the first part of rehab so far.

"Meredith?" She heard Derek knocking on the door but didn't wanna respond. "Mer? Can I please come inside?"

But again she didn't respond and instead heard the door opening the slightest bit

"Meri.." He whispered and walked inside

He then heard Meredith starting to sob again

"I'm so sorry." He climbed in beside her, fixing her legs and spooning her. "I didn't have the right to say that. I should have never assumed that." Derek stroke her hair

"I can't walk. I can't stand up by myself but I can still operate.." Meredith muttered, moving her head closer to Derek

"We'll work on it. I just ordered that wheelchair for you. To train at home so you're ready when you can return to the OR

End of flashback

"There are 4 people who worked on both cases. Me, Mer, Murphy and nurse Linda." Derek suddenly noticed. "We need to keep checking everyone's stories. Linda wasn't with the patient unsupervised. She and Murphy left together. But did any of them return afterwards?"

"There's one nurse who thought Murphy went inside later but she wasn't sure so there's no proof." William told Derek

"Damnit.. Next week we got the trial coming up. My wife is pregnant, she shouldn't be under this amount of stress." Derek stated

"I'd like to talk to your wife if that's okay?" William asked

"You can come to our house. But I don't wanna bring her here, not for this." Derek explained

"Okay, we're coming." Willem nodded. He and Linda had packed their stuff. Meanwhile Derek called her to let her know

Luckily Derek had called because Meredith was in pjs. She quickly got herself dressed in a pair of black joggers and waited anxiously for them to arrive. She was scared, she had her hand on her stomach in a try to calm herself down, knowing she had to keep her baby safe

She suddenly heard the front door open and ket go of a sigh she didn't know she was holding

"Hey babe." He walked up to her and kissed her, his hand covering her hand on her stomach

"Bad news?" Meredith anxiously muttered

"No. Just talking." He assured her and kissed her forehead

"Hello Dr Grey." William walked in first, followed by Linda Klein

"Hello." Meredith muttered, very scared for what might come

"Dr Grey, I'm really sorry to bother you here at home. We just wanna hear your story again. We might come closer." William explained

They went over everything again. Meredith was still clueless, she didn't see any signs of anyone involved that didn't agree to the patient refusing treatment. He wasn't in extreme critical condition

Eventually after a while they left, leaving Meredith and Derek on their own

"Der?" Meredith looked up at her husband.

"Yeah?" He nodded, sitting down on the couch next to her

"I'm scared. You need to watch both of our kids if they-" Meredith started but Derek stopped her

"They won't. William knows you didn't do this. He's the investigator. Yes you're responsible but you didn't do this. Any judge will understand." Derek lifted her in his lap

"You can't promise that. You can't." Meredith hugged her husband as tight as she could

"I can't. But we'll fight for you." Derek kissed her head. "Addie, Mark and Emmie will be here soon. Do you feel okay staying up?" He rubbed her tensed back

"Yeah. And Addie wanted to check this little bean out. Now you can hear our baby too." Meredith smiled softly

"I think we're both in need to see this little bean." Derek nodded

Little update about the upcoming 3 weeks. I have my last exam tomorrow. (Not doing the one on saturday bcs its my birthday and i just didn't study enough. But the next 3 weeks i'll be working from 9 to 5 so I can't tell how much I'll be able to update as i have PT and other things going on. But I'll do my very very best. Thanks a lot for all the response on this story, it means so so much to me

Soecial thanks to Maja ❤️ because of her I'm able to rewatch greys and the flashback was inspired by s11. Yes im at that season instead of studying for the exam tomorrow. Go follow her and read her stories, she's extremely talented with one of the best stories ever!

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