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Derek was currently working at the hospital when Meredith was at home. They expected it to cool down a lot over the days so Meredith had asked Derek to make sure he'd be home in case it'd start snowing

But Carolyn had planned to check in on her daughter in law. She entered the house and found Meredith uncomfortably asleep on the couch

"Honey?" Carolyn stroke her hand over Meredith's head

"Mom?" Meredith rubbed her eyes but groaned, her back was sore

"Hey sweetie. How long have you been laying here?" Carolyn frowned, covering Meredith's legs with the blanket as they felt very cold

"Since Derek left." Meredith muttered

"Honey, it's 1pm." Carolyn frowned and immediately tried to move Meredith's body, scared of pressure sores

"Shit-" Meredith groaned and pushed on her arms. "And?" She sighed as she saw Carolyn was inspecting her body

"Nothing, you're very, very lucky!" Carolyn shook her head. "Why didn't you call? Were you that tired?"

"I don't know, mom." Meredith sighed and pushed her body up with the help from Carolyn

"Come on, get in your wheelchair. It will be better for your body." Carolyn brought Meredith's chair closer

"I- I can't get in alone." Meredith admitted as it was the reason she was still stuck on the couch

"Can I help you?" Carolyn offered, waiting for Meredith's response

"Please." Meredith sighed and Carolyn helped her

Once she was installed she felt embarrassed with herself

"Hey, you're carrying a baby. You're doing amazing." Carolyn reminded her

"Thanks mom." Meredith nodded

They kept talking for a bit longer while Carolyn made her lunch and they had some together until Carolyn had to leave again. Meredith wasn't sure what she wanted to do so she went to the nursery after she put the heater on, despite wearing a sweater she was still cold

She started decorating a bit and was already imagining how their second baby would be laying down inside the crib. The mint green room was partially ready as Meredith was only halfway her pregnancy

"Hey little bean, we love you so, so much. And Emmie is so extremely excited to meet you and to be your big sister." Meredith whispered as she placed her hand on her stomach

"Mer?!" She heard Mark calling out for her

Meredith turned and wheeled out of the nursery. She wheeled to the living room where Mark was removing Emma's jacket

"Mommy!" She giggled

"Derek is still in surgery but this little bean wanted to go home. It's quite late." Mark told Meredith, then removing Emma's shoes

"Mama! Hungwy!" Emma smiled and once Mark was done she ran to her mother for an extra tight hug

"Let me make you something. Want some dino nuggies? With mashed potatoes and spinach?"

"Yesssss!" Emma giggled

"Thanks a lot Mark." Meredith hugged him, really grateful for her family

"Bye girls!" Mark waved and left again


Hours later Derek arrived at home, he had been in surgery for hours as the ice cold weather caused lots of problems on the road. Meredith had brought Emma to bed, the little girl was absolutely exhausted after a long day at daycare

Emma had told Meredith all about how excited she was to become a big sister and had begged her mother to see her sister's bedroom. She claimed she wanted to become the bestest big sister ever

"Hey. You're here." Meredith smiled tiredly as she heard Derek entering. She had decided to stay in her wheelchair as she was scared Emma would need her and she wouldn't be able to get there quick enough as her small belly combined with her still getting used to her new range of motion

"Hey, I didn't expect you to still be awake." Derek walked up to kiss her

"I thought it'd be nicer to have dinner together." Meredith said, clearly tired

"Let me make something." Derek kissed her lips again

"No need to. I made mac and cheese, we just need to heat it up." Meredith explained

"You're amazing. Let's heat it up so we can have dinner and then go to bed." Derek said, seeing Meredith's body drooping a little out of exhaustion. "Maybe dinner in bed?" He suggested

"Dinner in bed sounds perfect." Meredith nodded and yawned while Derek started to heat up their food, then served it out and brought it along to their bedroom.

"Here, let me." He placed the bowls on the nightstand and carried Meredith in the bed, glad she was already in her pajamas

"Thanks." Meredith smiled and grabbed a bowl, starting to eat the mac and cheese while Derek placed some pillows underneath her knees

"Hmm.. yummy." Derek smiled once he started eating as well. "You did great." He kept looking at her

They sat in silence, eating their well deserved dinner

"How's baby?" Derek smiled, moving one hand to her stomach

"Tired. Like mommy." Meredith yawned, placing her bowl on the nightstand. As she tried to lay down she couldn't get comfortable

"Well, maybe mommy should start relaxing a bit. What do you think if we'd do something this week?" Derek asked her

"I'm not sure, Derek. We'll see." Meredith sighed

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