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"In two weeks my career might be over." Meredith muttered

"I told you that won't happen." Derek said as he calmed her down. There were rumors.

"Hmm.." Meredith suddenly felt dizzy, grasping onto Derek to stay upright

"Mer?" Derek frowned

It had been two hard weeks since they got the court date. Meredith's BP was often too high due to all the stress and since she's high risk they checked her out more often

"Don't feel well-" Meredith muttered

"It's okay-" Derek lifted her up from her wheelchair onto the couch in her office, elevating her legs a bit and massaging her hand. "I paged Addison." He said

A few minutes later Addison ran inside after the 911 page

"What's wrong?" Addison kneeled down next to Meredith and checked her pulse

"Dizzy-" Meredith said, really struggling to stay alert

"Mer, did you take your meds?" Addison asked her

"Yeah." Meredith nodded

"She did." Derek confirmed

"Can you carry her or do I get a stretcher?" Addison asked, rather not taking too long

"I'll carry her." He scooped her up without even thinking about it, noticing she was really close to faint and fall completely unconscious. "Addie- Our baby- Both need to be okay." Derek muttered

"We're close." Addison said and opened the examination room, immediately ordering an ultrasound machine

"Mer, Meredith?" Derek tried to make her open her eyes

"Can you hold her legs a bit?" Addison asked

After a minute Meredith seemed to be conscious again as Addison is starting the ultrasound

"Meredith, can you hear me?" Derek asked

She slowly nodded her head

"Baby-" She muttered

"I'm gonna do an ultrasound, okay?" Addison said, quickly starting up the machine and checking her out. "The baby's moving, do you feel anything?" Addison carefully asked

"A little-" Meredith focussed as it was hard to explain. "I feel her kinda kicking my ribs.. but.. yeah.." She sighed disappointed

"It's okay. Let's watch the baby." Derek tried to warm her up, knowing she's disappointed in not feeling their baby

"Everything okay?" Meredith asked as she stared at the screen

"Yes. But I wanna run some bloodwork. Just to check if you're okay." Addison said and started all kinds of test, making an intern send this to the lab asap

"As long as both you and our little one are okay." Derek kissed Meredith's head as she looked a bit sad

"Wanna find out the gender?" Addison smiled at them

"Der?" Meredith looked up at her husband

"We'd love to." Derek smiled

"I've seen it already." Addison chuckled and quickly started the ultrasound again. "So.. What do you see?" She giggled

"It's a girl." Meredith giggled

"Another princess." Derek kissed Meredith's lips. "Emma will be happy. She's been begging for a sister." Derek smiled widely

"She's doing very well but she's still a little small. So we're gonna have to try and get you as much nutrition as possible." Addison said softly

"Thanks Addie.." Derek teared up, hating how much this lawsuit affected his wife and their family

"Go to your office. I'll call Mark so he gets us all lunch." Addison said softly, her small bump peeking out in her scrubs

Derek nodded and they came to the realization Meredith's wheelchair was still in her office

"I'll go grab it-" He offered and left, suddenly bumping into Murphy

"Dr Shepherd-" Murphy said

"Do you have anything to do with my wife's lawsuit? You were involved in both cases!" Derek was getting desperate and he didn't trust her at all

"Why would I give blood from another patient?" She asked him

"No one told you that." He told her with a frown. "How do you know?"

"There are rumors, Dr Shepherd." Dr Murphy crossed her arms, panic visible in her expression

"Sure." Derek scoffed and walked off to collect Meredith's wheelchair


"You think it's Murphy?" Mark asked Derek

"I don't know." Derek shrugged

"We don't have any proof." Meredith muttered, scared they'd insult the wrong person

"No but she's the last one that's been in there. She worked on both cases and she worked against you from the start!" Derek frowned. "Mer, you see this as well!"

"Don't-" She sighed and placed her food down, feeling her stomach turn. "It sucks but I wanna be sure before I say someone's responsible. It can ruin everything!" She said and felt Mark rub her back softly.

"What if Derek's right? It won't hurt to have a suspicion." Mark said, honestly not trusting Murphy either

"Then they will find out. I hope." Meredith sighed

"Drop it, guys." Addison said, hating to see Meredith like this, especially after everything they had already been through as a family

"Sorry." Derek whispered and kissed the side of her head gently

"Our girls need us, that's the most important." Meredith stroke her stomach in a try to get herself calmed down as she felt really uneasy

Yikesss going to work now

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