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"Emmie, uncle Mark wants you to sit still. Otherwise it will hurt more." Derek said, his heart braking as he sees his daughter like this

"You're being so brave." Meredith whispered, her usually so steady hands were now trembling from anxiety

"Okay Emma. I'm finished. I'll let your mommy and daddy take you home so you can take a long nap." Mark said

"And wake her every once in a while. Check her reactions.." Derek nods

"She will be okay." Mark assured him. "Take her home, I'll come visit tonight. I bet everyone will wanna see her."

"But we won't let her overdo it. She needs rest and care." Derek said sternly

"We will. But she's okay, Der." Meredith tried to convince him, knowing how much he worried about his family

By now Emma was half asleep in Meredith's arms

"Let's go home. I'll wash her hair as well so the blood is at least removed." Meredith said and unlocked her brakes

"Can I?" Derek asked if he could push her

"Yes please, then I can hold onto Em." Meredith nods and they eventually leave and make their way back home

Derek lifted Emma in his arms once they arrived home. "Mama-" She started sobbing

"Give me a minute, baby." Meredith quickly got into her wheelchair, not bothering to fix her legs so they pointed inwards

"Mama-" Emma muttered as Derek placed her down in Meredith's arms

"Let's go take a nap in our bedroom. We can all sleep together." Meredith whispered, Derek pushing her inside and to their bedroom. "Can you grab pajamas and a towel for her? And some warm water so I can start cleaning her up?" Meredith asked

Derek placed a towel on the bed. Emma was placed on bed by Meredith and transferred next to her

"Take a nap, baby." Meredith whispered, watching her daughter fall asleep

Derek returned after 5 minutes, with water and a washcloth

"Is she okay? We need to keep her awake, she has a concussion-" Derek worried

"She's okay. She was tired but alert." Meredith tried to ease Derek, she saw how worried he was while she cleaned up their daughter. "You wanna lay down with her?"

"Yeah. You should get yourself cleaned up as well." Derek nodded, taking over and washing his daughter's hair

"I'll hurry." Meredith nods and gets into her wheelchair, quickly taking a shower


Derek arrived home and found it oddly quiet in the house. No music, no Tv, nothing.

His wife had insisted she didn't need company all the time.

Derek performed a surgery and she was free from rehab for today. Carolyn, Mark and the other family members had offered to come over and help where needed but Meredith refused, saying she wanted to be home alone again

He walked inside the house, wondering where she'd be.

And suddenly he saw her sitting. Her body shaking as she was sobbing in front of the window, looking over the cliff

"Mer?" Derek walked over to her

"Oh-" She quickly made an attempt to dry her tears. "Sorry." She whispered and turned around

"Don't apologize. Did something happen?" Derek lifted her into his arms

"M-My chair-" Meredith stopped him

"What's wrong?" Derek placed her down again, cupping her cheek

"I want it close. I- I need it close." She muttered, her hand tightly holding onto his shirt, causing the fabric to wrinkle in her fist

"Of course." Derek nodded. "Wanna go to the bedroom or the couch?" He asked

"Can we go out? To the porch, please?" Meredith asked

"Of course we can." Derek nodded and opened the door for her. He then lifted her and took her on his lap while sitting on the bench, holding her close to keep her warm

"Thanks Derek." Meredith rested her head against his chest

"How has your day been?" Derek asked

"Confronting.." Meredith muttered

"Something with your chair?" Derek guessed after her anxiety earlier

"I got onto the couch, didn't lock the brakes and my chair was too far to grab.." She explained him, feeling stupid for forgetting to lock her brakes

"And you managed to get in alone?" Derek assumed since she was in the wheelchair when he arrived

"I got onto the ground, brought it closer and crawled back onto the couch so it was easier to get in." She nodded

"I'm proud of the progress you've made. My superwoman." He kissed her head and they watched the sunset

End of flashback

"How is she?" Meredith asked, wheeling back inside in her pjs

"Sound asleep. I've cleaned her hair and changed her clothes." Derek explained

"Sorry I took so long." Meredith sighed and got in the bed next to them

"You didn't take long." Derek assured her and squeezed her hand. "Are you okay after today's events?" He stroke her wet hair back

"I'm a surgeon.." She muttered

"I know. But this is our daughter. I was terrified when I saw her like that." Derek admitted

"I was so scared. And it took me so long to get to her.." Meredith admitted, not taking her eyes off Emma

"You did amazing, Mer. You put pressure on the wound, called an ambulance and brought her safely to the hospital. She loved you, Mer. She loves you so much." Derek stroke his finger over Meredith's cheek

"Hmm.." Meredith nodded

"I promise you don't have to doubt yourself at all." Derek kissed her forehead. "Take a nap. You did a lot today, you deserve some rest."

"I should put on my night braces.." Meredith muttered

"I'll put them onto your feet. Just sleep now." Derek whispered

Meredith held tight onto her daughter, closing her own eyes and almost immediately she drifted off

"Night night, my girls." Derek whispered and watched them both fall asleep

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