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Meredith was sitting bend over in her wheelchair, her spine was hurting so bad

"Mama!" A 4 year old Grace came running inside

"Mommy, is everything okay?" 9 year old Emma ran in as well. "Do I call nana?" She asked, seeing her mother in pain

"Yes honey. Please." Meredith nodded and tried to slowly push herself upright again. "Everything's okay but it'd be nice if nana could come over." Meredith nodded, failing to push herself up

Emma quickly grabbed her mother's phone and took Grace along with her as the little girl kept pulling at her mom's sleeve

"Mer, hi! What's up honey?" Carolyn was the first one to pick up the phone

"Nana, mommy's in pain. She's asking if you can come over." Emma told her grandmother

"Of course, sweetie!" Carolyn said and Emma could hear Carolyn alerting her grandfather. "Did mommy take a fall?"

"No. She's just in her chair but.. dunno.." Emma shrugged

"Okay sweetie, we'll be there very, very soon." Carolyn promised

"Thank you." Emma said quietly and hung up. "Grace, go play." She told her little sister who ran off

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry. I promise it will be all better soon." Meredith tried not to wince in pain as she looked up to her daughter

"Don't be. I'll go play with Gracie.. okay?" Emma asked

"Yes sweetie thank you." Meredith nodded, once her daughter disappeared she slowly tried to wheel herself to the living room, wanting to wait for her parents

As she sat there she couldn't seem to focus. Out of a sudden she heard her parents enter, she hadn't even heard their car

"Meredith?" Carolyn kneeled down in front of her daughter in law. "What's wrong? What do we do? Do we call an ambulance?"

"No. Just-" She groaned as she tried to look at them. "I need my shot, in my spine-" She cried out

"I'll get it." Christopher said and walked off, he knew what to do. Meredith had had these episodes before as her spine had gotten a lot worse. Next week she would finally see a surgeon that flies in from Europe to Seattle and see her

"Take deep breaths. Did you fall?" Carolyn asked, trying to figure out what had caused this pain to act up

"No. Picked up Grace.." Meredith muttered, barely moving as she was hurting so badly

"Okay honey, I'll wheel you to bed and then dad will place the shot for you." Carolyn explained and wheeled Meredith to her bedroom, the blonde wincing in pain as she was being moved

"Nana?" They suddenly heard Emma's voice

"Mom, please look after the girls-" Meredith said, trying to look okay as she knew Emma was probably scared and worried

"I will honey." Carolyn nodded and after an assuring nod from her husband

Carolyn took Emma with her to the kitchen. She would keep both girls busy while Christopher attempted to make Meredith feel better

"Okay honey, let me lift you." Christopher said

"Dad- let me- your back-" She weakly groaned and pushed on her arms to transfer

"You're not transferring on your own." He sternly said and helped her to make sure she wouldn't twist her spine and put pressure on the metal plates and rods

Meredith was almost screaming it out as she was in unbearable pain. Meanwhile Carolyn was making some lunch for Meredith and the girls

"Nana, is mommy okay?" Emma asked as she helped her a little

"Of course." Carolyn took a moment to hug her granddaughter

"Nana!" Grace came running at them.

"Hey, easy." Carolyn laughed as Grace was really an extreme active kid

"Mama! Mama!" Grace started

"Shh honey, we'll see mommy soon, poppa is with her while we get lunch ready, okay?" Carolyn tried to keep the little girl distracted

"No!" Grace groaned and ran off, too quick for Carolyn to grab her

"Mama!" She ran inside Meredith's bedroom

"Grace?" Meredith groaned, trying to look up as she was laying on her stomach

"Shh, remain laying down." Christopher stroked her head. "Gracie, let's go find nana. I bet lunch is almost ready." Christopher said

Meredith closed her eyes for a minute, hoping the pain would leave soon

"Mommy!" Grace screamed

"Grace, you need to be good, okay?" Christopher lifted her up, her little legs kicking in a try to make her escape

Meredith heard all of this and had to fight back the tears. She wanted to sit up but knew she couldn't and on top Emma must have placed her phone somewhere so she had no access to it

"Honey, do you think you can come for lunch? Or would you rather take a nap?" Carolyn asked

"Can you call Derek?" Meredith groaned

"Of course. Are you okay?" Carolyn got really worried

"I don't know. I just- I want Der-" Meredith started sobbing but it only made the pain worse

"Oh honey-" Carolyn tried to calm Meredith down while quickly phoning Derek


"Mer?" Derek walked inside the house, he had hurried home after his mom's call. He heard Meredith sobbing in the background and had no idea what was going on

"Derek, your mom and Meredith are in the bedroom. You should go." Christopher said as he kept both girls busy

"Daddy!" The girls said

Derek nodded, gave them a hug and hurried into their bedroom. "I'll be back soon, girls." He promised

"Derek-" Carolyn breathed in relief as he walked inside

"Mer? What happened? Did you fall?" Derek kneeled down next to the bed, kissing his wife's forehead gently

"No. Just- Just had to pick up Grace- But I couldn't." Meredith groaned

"She picked her up when she felt extreme pain in her back. Emma called us. We found Mer doubled over in pain, dad give her the shot and ever since she's been on bed." Carolyn explained to her son. "Can you check her out? Do we need to get her to the hospital?" Carolyn asked concerned

"No hospital." Meredith weakly shook her head

"Let me check." Derek said, attempted to check her mobility but Meredith's legs started spasming so he stopped right away. "Mom, can I talk to Mer?" He asked

"Yes of course. Yell if you need us." She said and disappeared

"I think you need to go to the hospital, Mer. We knew this could happen." Derek stroke his fingers through her hair

"Don't want surgery. Amy said the shots would help." Meredith muttered sadly

"The shots would help, it wouldn't solve the problem. Your spine is broken, Mer. The prosthetic- it's horrible." He sighed as they had had horrible news

Large update! I'm back but not entirely! Have a surgery tuesday so might be absent for some days!

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