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"You need to rest." Derek sighed as Meredith was constantly wheeling up and down

"I am sitting down." She rolled her eyes

"Don't give me that attitude. I'm just worried about you two." He walked up to her and kissed her lips

"Sorry." She sighed and leaned into his arms. "I wanna perform surgery." She admitted

"I know." Derek sighed. She had to stop operating during the investigation and Derek had stopped telling her about his surgeries, not wanting to give her a bad feeling

"Hmm.." Meredith groaned, not wanting to admit she was dizzy again but Derek noticed as she was slightly swaying

"Mer?" He steadied her and kneeled down in front of her

"Kay-" She groaned

"Not okay." He frowned and lifted her in his arms and carried her to their bed while calling Addison flr help. Meredith was clearly not paying attention

She was just so dizzy. She placed her hand on her stomach, getting even more nervous as she couldn't feel her daughter right away. But then se
She felt a strong kick and immediately eased down again

"Addison tells me to bring you in." Derek said, pulling Meredith out of her thoughts

"Okay.." Meredith sadly muttered but the concern over her baby took over. "I need my chair-" She said

"I know. I'm not forgetting about it." He kissed her head and carried her to the car, then returning for the wheelchair and their keys. He then got to grab the sleepy Emma out of her bed as she was taking a nap

"Daddy?" The little girl asked confused as he lifted her up and carried her to the car

"Shh little bean. We're going to the hospital really quickly." He told his daughter

"Why?" She asked confused

"To check on mommy and the baby." He said as he reached the car

"Mama-" Emma whined

"Hey princess. You can close your eyes a bit longer if you want to." Meredith said softly, hiding all her anxiety to at least try to be the right mom for Emma right now, really doubting herself a lot lately

"Kay." Emma whispered and closed her eyes again

"You're okay?" Derek asked Meredith worried

"I feel her kicking." She nodded, both hands on her stomach

Derek placed one hand on Meredith's stomach and the other to feel her pulse before he drove them to the hospital. He really did his best to not hit any speed limits but he really needed someone to check out his wife and unborn daughter

Eventually they arrived, Addison was already waiting for them with Mark

"Hey, I'll bring her to daycare before my surgery." Mark carried Emma out of the car while Derek placed Meredith in the wheelchair and saw her getting a bit dizzy again

"I'll be okay-" She insisted. She didn't wanna be carried around or be lifted inside on a stretcher. She hoped no one would even realize that she had been here

"You felt her kicking?" Addison asked

"Yeah, kicking strong." Meredith nodded, her hands still on her stomach

"Good. You're probably just stressed out." Addison rubbed her hand over Meredith's head, seeing her sway a little so she wanted to keep her steady. They brought her into an examination room in the ER to get her checked out, just to be sure

"She was wheeling up and down. Then I said something stupid." Derek muttered as he lifted her from the chair onto the table

"You were just concerned." Meredith weakly muttered

"Lift her legs." Addison ordered Derek

"Meri?" Derek brushed some hairs out of her face as she started sobbing

"Sorry-" Meredith cried into her husband's arms, Addison felt defeated and didn't know what to do. She just wanted the two to enjoy their pregnancy like she and Mark did. She already switched to maternity scrubs because her bump was getting too big now

"Don't you dare apologizing. You're the best mom to our kids." He assured her gently

"Not good enough." She sadly whimpered

"Yes good enough." Derek said sternly

"Baby looks very good. Look for yourself." Addison took a deep breath and turned the screen to Derek and Meredith to take a look

"She's waving." Derek whispered but saw Meredith had issues focussing on the screen. "Addie, can you record it? Or take a picture? I'd love to have it at home." He said

"Of course. I'll take some pictures and then I'll print them out." Addison said. "She's still tiny.." She mentioned, not wanting to lie to them

"What do you suggest?" Meredith muttered softly

"Less stress and more eating.." Addison sighed, knowing that was easily said

"Is she- Is she in danger?" Meredith anxiously asked

"No. But... I don't want her to become in danger. There are many risks, honey." Addison rubbed Meredith's cheek gently. "There are always options.." She carefully said

"I'll do better." Meredith promised

"This doesn't mean you're not doing good. You're just so stressed with the whole situation." Addison carefully said. "I'd wanna admit you for the night. Maybe two. Just to keep you close, to give you and the baby all you need and deserve." Addison said, trying to be careful to not hurt Mer even more mentally

"But I have Emma and Der-" She muttered anxiously

"I know you do. I know. But-" Addison looked at Derek for some back-up

"We can stay with you. Em can sleep next to you." Derek suggested carefully

"I don't know." She teared up. "She's been in the hospital so many times now."

"She doesn't mind that, babe." Derek kissed Meredith's head. "Please. We just want you in the best shape possible together with our little bean." Derek rubbed her stomach gently as Addison excused herself quietly and went to print out the pictured

Wrote this on the train. Dont mind if it has mistakes. Had a sh!t day, had sh!t news and i am tired 😖

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