37. Winning Goals and Whispered Memories

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Junior always stays a junior," he looked down at me, "Get to my height, then we will talk."

Sanki Aadmi. Mr. Sanki 

"Why? Are you scared to talk with me now?" I was testing his limits, but perhaps he was in a good mood today. Did he get a girlfriend?No way, who will like this egoistic, idiot. 

"Mountains don't talk with rats."

"I have also read kids' stories; rats make holes in the mountains, blowing off their ego." I acted like a stubborn kid.

"And stop coming in my way," he turned around, wearing his goggles, and headed inside, but I managed to grab his collar from the back.

Wait! Did I just grab the collar of the crown prince? That too, someone as Sanki as him.

Damn! Me and my obsession with holding people by the collar.

Didn't I say think and act? You're digging your grave yourself.

He turned his neck, looking down at my hands, which were still holding his collar. I quickly removed my hands, dusting them off, and wiping them on my pants. But why did I even get scared from just one look? No, you are enough to scare away the Devil, Athulya.

I acted nonchalantly, as if nothing happened, casually whistling. But he was still fixated on the collar and my hands, which were desperately trying to tame my hair flying in the wind.

"Oh, didn't mean to disturb your princely demeanor. I was just checking if it's as high and mighty as you claim," I smirked, meeting his gaze with a playful glint in my eyes. "But who knew the prince had such delicate collars."

He clenched his jaw, and suddenly, he pulled out a gun. I looked at it and then back at him, unfazed. "Wow, a real-life royal accessory. Is that how you handle your problems? Your Highness, guns might impress the court, but I've seen scarier things in my morning cereal."

He glared, and I continued, "You know, in the real world, we settle disputes with words, not bullets. But hey, if you're feeling trigger-happy, just make sure you don't accidentally shoot off your princely foot. That could be embarrassing."

"But, I handles them with bullets, like this." And he placed his gun at my head, really a Sanki. I noticed a tatto in his wrist, a kind of magic wand. Really? The crown prince has a tattoo that too of a magic wand? He was slightly shocked to see my reaction. Maybe he thought, I will step back or I will get scared. Little did he knew I have been more at gunpoint than in someone's embrace.

"Excuse me, MR. Sanki. This is wrong, give me chance as well. You shouldn't be taking out your gun and shooting everytime. It's cheating.

"What did you said me? " Did I just offended him? Of course, see his eyes which are losing their color.

"Mr. Sanki!" I replied back, straightening my shoulder and stumping my feet on ground.

"Say that again"

"I am not scared. I am repeating Mr. Sanki , Mr. Sanki , Mr. Sanki..." 

I held his hand, and bought it down, while he was listening to me and swiftly taking my gun out. It took him few seconds to realise, it was enough for me. Now, it was my time to surprise.

"You know what , I have grown up playing with these things so show this toy of your to someone else" I snatched his gun and threw it aside. He was on his verge of boiling because of anger. He really lacks anger management skills, exactly like me. Wait, why do we even have so many similarities?

"You..." His hand clenched into a fist, ready to unleash his wrath upon me. But, before he could ruin my pretty face, I swiftly shot a bullet into his tire. Without waiting for his response, I darted inside, instructing my taxi driver to start the engine.

Shades of Lies ✔ [Completed] #Book1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें