2. Night of Devils

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Athulya's POV

"What happened to your hand?"

"Were you fighting there?"

"How many times have I told you to stay away from them?"

"Who was it?"

They bombarded me with questions. Why do they think that all I can do is fight? Fine! I agree I am a ill tempered child but that doesn't means that whatever happens to me is because of my fighting skills.

Yes! I call them skills cause I spent years learning that.

This minor injury is nothing for someone who has survived bullet wounds. I am stronger than they think.

"Nothing, just an accident. Actually, I bumped into a waiter, so... yeah, the glass." I replied, trying to downplay the situation and avoid further inquiries into the events that had transpired.

"Okay, clean your hand and apply a bandage," Mom instructed, and everyone dispersed to their respective rooms. I also made my way upstairs and encountered a familiar face. It was Shanta Aunty, our helper.

"Bye! Sweet dreams," Shanta Aunty bid farewell as she headed home, the midnight hour already upon us. Instinctively, I hid my hand behind my back.

"Sweet dreams? Sweet, like barfi, how can they be sweet?" I questioned, swift with my retort.

"Your habit of catching words... ah... ha... hahah..." She chuckled, and a smile effortlessly graced my face. Shanta is like a mother to me, so caring and loving, a gift from God. Quite precious.

My hand was swollen by now, and I couldn't help but whimper in pain. Each glass piece felt like a shard of agony as I removed them one by one. After applying the bandage, I lay restlessly on my bed. Sleep was elusive, nowhere near me. Every time I closed my eyes, the demons came alive. Drenched in sweat, my face pale, I breathed heavily. I couldn't escape the unsettling thoughts. I scratched my body, the sensation making me feel disgusted. I loathed the night; darkness haunted me.

Sleep is always my enemy; either I get exhausted enough to doze off or resort to sleeping pills. I can never sleep normally. Never.

But, at least at some point, I find relief in the fact that he never came back, after all those years.

Even though the room has four windows, I felt suffocated. I needed someone to talk to but at another point I wants to stay alone. Argh.. I am such a confused person. I don't have a single friend in India. So, I just grabbed my phone and inhaler, and walked towards the park.

It was a common park shared by both families, highlighting the close connection we had with the Singhania family. Adjacent to it stood a memorial, a barren land with the remains of past kings and queens.

The night sky was adorned with stars, some small and bright, others larger and dimmer. "God keeps his favorite kids with him as stars," I thought, gazing up at the celestial display. It seemed like God had a long list of favorites; when would I make it to that list? Well, I had a few things to complete before even considering applying.

"Ha ha... and you know what..."

Suddenly, I heard sounds—men's voices. What were they doing here? I checked my phone; it was 2 am. The sounds were coming from the memorial. Should I sneak a look? But it's not good to pry into everything. What if they notice me? What if they have weapons? What if... I didn't want to imagine further.

Whatever! I am not someone to get scared from few men. No way!

"Don't ever try to go to the memorial."

Shades of Lies ✔ [Completed] #Book1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz