10. The Fight

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Athulya's POV

Life is all about problems and difficulties . We all thinks that their own life is worst not knowing about what's going in others life. Maybe we tends to judge others on the basis of their outer appearance , lame jokes and fake smiles. No life is perfect, everyone has their own ups and down . That's how life goes on. 

For me life was a thing I felt pity on , it was like a maze which has no escape and I got lost in it.  For everyone I was bold, sunshine and outspoken girl but not a single person tried to know my real self. It was like being alone in a room full of people who loves you.  In all this faking I lost the real Athulya to a monster which turned her into pieces. Broken and fragile. 

She was busy talking with Aarushi about all that happened in the corridor. 

"You should away from Siddharth , you may not be aware but he is a bad news. " She said in a very serious tone , I mean she rarely gets serious. So, my mind should understand this warning .

"Even I didn't got good vibes from him. Are all boys in this college just oglers anf flatterers?" She chuckled at me , before she could spoke her phone rings..

"I will take this call , please wait here and stay away from bad news"  She winked at me before going towards the corner pillar. Standing there alone , ignoring all the eyes staring me I realised Nidhi was not with us. Maybe we went on talking and she left behind. 

I turned back to see her talking with Spoilt brat no 2 AKA Yuvaan, what were they talking about? I do not wants anymore drama after morning incidence. 

They were talking about something , maybe she refused or disagreed at something. I saw him fuming with rage , I hope they are not going to fight. 

She was talking loudly or maybe shouting , I could hear her saying No, his voice was not too last for me to listen bust he blurted out something. Before I could join all these I saw him holding her hands and stepping close to her. This was going on the wrong way , I could sense some trouble but my heart never coordinate with my mind. 

I couldn't control myself any further seeing her shaking with fear, I have anger issues and they always makes situation worst for me. But I didn't behaved in civil way , but am I expected to talk politely seeing all this. It's too much now , don't blame me.


I hit a hard punch at his jaw, he groaned in pain , holding his jaw. My sudden punch pushed him backwards towards the wall . He was still hissing in pain , was my blow that hard? I ignored him approaching Nidhi .

"Are you fine?' I asked calming down my anger. It felt like all my anger that I controlled since morning came out. 

Calm down , Count 1 to 10  , now count backwards

What the hell! I forgets the counting and everything in anger.

"Y -Yes" She was afraid , I can see from her pale face.

But before I could ask any further from her , all the things in details. His whole gang, which I realised was watching all this , came to his rescue. Are the boys here too coward that they always roams in gang?

He was still fuming in anger , clenching his jaw , he moved forward. I recognised a few from his group , not few but only two. Ishan and Siddharth.

Stay away from bad news.

Sorry Bestie I tried my best.

He looked at his friends , whispering something on which a few laughed and some made disappointed face. Coming forward he winked at me. Shameless!

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