30. Mystery Man

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Author's Note

I have written the longest chapter till now with 4500+ words and I want the response as per it. So I request all of you to vote it and don't forget to comment. I am lacking motivation and hopefully this will help me. 

I am writing all the chapters with so much hardwork, taking out time from my studies and hoping to get a good response from you all. Atleast, you can take out some time from your schedule to vote and comment on all the chapters. 

And thanks all lot to all those who are continously supporting me. There are some supporting readers out there who are constantly commenting and voting. I have written this long chapter  to say them a thank you as well.

Q- Are you loving the chapters or are they getting boring?


Athulya's Pov

I woke up to my alarm buzzing loudly, realizing I had fallen asleep at my desk with my contact lenses still in. The first thing I did after washing my hands was to take them out. The weekend was done, and it was back to my usual routine—boring classes, a bit of fun with friends, dealing with annoying people, and eating the usual toast.

I reached for my makeup bag, facing the mirror to assess the damage on my face. There were cuts, but I hoped the concealer would work its magic.

Last night was intense. Despite taking a beating and reopening wounds, I managed to put him in his place. There's a peculiar sense of satisfaction in proving a point to a man, especially in a society where males usually dominate.

Checking my face, I was relieved that my teeth were unharmed and the cuts weren't too deep.

This morning felt different, almost magical. It was like the world had been painted with joy. Birds sang melodies outside my window, sunlight streamed in without a trace of fog, and the flowers looked unusually vibrant. I yearned for time to stand still, just for a moment. The child within me longed to run free, making paper planes, sailing paper boats, and reveling in the scents of various flowers. But reality hit—I knew my wish list was far too long compared to the time I have in this life.

There is something different and special about this morning, everything is looking as if filled with happiness. Birds are chirping all around, there is no fog and the rays of sunlight are entering into my room. Flowers are looking as bright as possible. I want this moment to stop for a while , I wish I could run all around like a kid again. The kid inside me wishes to fly paper planes, make paper boats , smell different flowers. Ah my wish list is too long as compared to my lifeline. 

With my camera, I captured everything around me—things I saw and even things I dreamed up. While a photo freezes the world for others, for me, it keeps life flowing smoothly, like a constant, gentle waterfall.

Then, I thought, why not take a picture of myself? So, I did. I didn't hide any of my scars or cuts; they're my trophies from the 18 years I've lived. They symbolize what I've been through, the knocks I've taken, yet I've kept on smiling, just like those dolls welcoming visitors at store entrances.

I imagined my future self looking back at this photo. I pictured feeling proud of the present me for enduring all that life threw my way and still managing to smile, just like that resilient doll standing strong despite everything. This picture tells a story—not just of how I look, but of my strength and resilience through it all.

Today's trial for sports is making this day even more exciting. When it's not about studying, you won't find me at the back. I used to love boxing, judo, and karate, but I had to stop due to repeated warnings. Back in boarding school, I was really good at these sports; my opponents often ended up needing a stretcher. The school decided to stop me from participating in these sports anymore, not for my safety but for the safety of my opponents.

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