16. Drama Queen

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Dad dragged from there , I kept looking at my best friend before I managed to remove his hold from my hand. He gave me stare before opening the front door to sit, I opened back door almost jumping inside , I closed it with loudest possible noise. Two pair of eyes are not enough to scare me. There's a huge difference in giving respect and getting scared. I hates it when I am objectified , when they thinks I can be used, thrown , dragged and dusted off when needed. Even if I hates my existence still then they don't have right to treat me like that. I may not be a  procelain doll but I knows very well how to be an Annabelle.

He looked in the front mirror , directly into my eyes but didn't turned away. He always does this to think I will get scared away, I looked away all those times but never from fear. Never!

"I didn't saw you in the hall , at starting. What were you doing?" I kept looking in his eyes with my best ruthless way. After maintaining eye contact for a minute, he blinked and looked away.

"I was sleeping" I spoke casually.

"You was doing what?"

"Sleeping!" I yelled and Daniel looked at me with his haunting black eyes. My dad gasped and shook his head.

"Stop lying"

"Okay! Fine! I was high on.., or maybe I was busy with boys or maybe I was busy at the momos corner on the road , or maybe I was in a party at bar. Tell dad, which lie fits in place of truth better than it."

"Athulya! He shouted but not looking at me from mirror but by turning back this time. I kept mum , looking out from window as if I didn't heard what he said.

"Look at me when I am talking. I ignored when everyone said that you got spoilt because of my love thinking that are sensible. But you proved me wrong! I am ashamed to be called as your father. I does not wants to get harsh on you, but being your father I have to correct you wherever you are wrong. " I still kept mum but he paused looking at me as he changed his tone into warm.

"You know why did I sent you study abroad and not your brother? Because I thought you are worthy of it and he will only get into wrong things there. But your behaviour these days made me regret my decision." He continued the topic and I took out my camera to take some photos , still ignoring him.

"Don't you know that you can't take anyone's picture without their consent?"

  Consent? It's a very deep word , which we use carelessly but I know what power it holds. 

"Don't worry dad , they doesn't knows I am capturing them and neither I am going to tell them. It's a secret dad" I woke up the kid inside me, and that kid is just running out of patience to start overacting.

"You are diverting me from the main topic , put your camera down!"

"Please .. please my lovely dad .. please"  I made a puppy face.

"No! And don't forget that you will get punishment for your behaviour once we reach home"

"Dad....." Crocodile tears came in my eyes, no , actually I tried hard to bring them. I started sobbing lightly. He looked through the mirror and raised his eyebrows, even our driver chuckled lightly.

"Stop it! You are not a kid"

"You are very bad dad..." 

"Daniel, make her stop . She is eating my ears."

"Make her what? Am I a nanny? You should have hired a nanny in this case not a bodyguard." He gave an excuse . Poor man , my new nanny. Dad gave an angry look and he gave up. I wish I could record it .

"Ok! Stop overacting" He spoke looking away.

"I am not going to.." 

"Stop crying" 

Shades of Lies ✔ [Completed] #Book1Where stories live. Discover now