7. Traitor in the House

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Author's  POV

Athulya stood in the midst of the tense atmosphere, her father's harsh voice ringing in her ears like a bell tolling a dire warning. The weight of his demand to explain pressed down upon her like a heavy stone, threatening to crush her fragile resolve.

In that moment, she couldn't help but reflect on the fragility of belief and the cruelty of fate. How hard it was to mend the broken pieces of her world when it seemed that fate itself conspired to break them anew. She pondered the power of a few words, capable of shattering hearts more effectively than a thousand paragraphs.

Perhaps, she thought, some things were meant to remain broken forever. Some fates were written with the ink of cruelty, and some lives were but leaves destined to wither and fall in the relentless march of time, with no knowledge of when the inevitable autumn would arrive.

As she stood there, grappling with the weight of her father's demand, Athulya realized that she was facing an uncertain future, one that she was ill-prepared to navigate. All she could do was brace herself for what was to come, steeling her resolve to weather whatever storms lay ahead.

"Explain," her father's voice echoed once more, a stark reminder of the challenges she faced and the uncertainty that awaited her. With a deep breath, Athulya summoned whatever strength she could muster and prepared to face the storm head-on.

As her father threw the papers at her, Athulya remained seemingly unaffected, her expression blank like a crumpled page that had been folded multiple times. It was as if the initial shock had numbed her to further pain, leaving her detached and emotionless.

Bending down to the floor, her bag slipping off her shoulder and her hair a tangled mess, Athulya began to pick up the papers one by one, her movements slow and deliberate. Her family looked on, waiting for an explanation that she couldn't yet provide.

Examining the papers again and again, Athulya couldn't believe what she was seeing. Both documents were drafts for her father's company's next deal, and they were identical to those of Singhania's. It was a blatant case of plagiarism.

Looking up at her father with a mixture of confusion and disbelief, Athulya silently questioned him, seeking answers that were slow to come.

"We lost the deal, and they got it," her father explained, his anger palpable in his voice and demeanor. His eyes were wide, his face flushed with frustration.

Her brother pointed to his phone, urging her to look at something. But Athulya remained rooted to the spot, unmoving and unresponsive.

"What's wrong? Look at it," her brother's tone was mocking, but Athulya didn't react. He reached out roughly, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards him. His grip tightened on her hair, forcing her to look at his phone.

There, on the screen, was a message from Aaryaveer Singhania.

"Won't you give me congrats? Well, I'm giving to you. A traitor in the house! Make sure they see this message."

Athulya's heart sank as she read the words, her mind reeling with disbelief and betrayal. The realization of what had transpired hit her like a sledgehammer, leaving her feeling helpless and alone in the face of her family's deception.

In the midst of the chaos and accusations, Athulya felt a sense of disbelief and betrayal. She never imagined Aaryaveer could stoop so low, despite knowing his cruel and arrogant nature. However, she found herself unable to provide answers to her family's accusations and suspicions.

"Now see this 1 lakh cash notes , don't hesitate see it , I found this in your drawer only" Her mother looked at her for an answer, which she doesn't have and if she have then she doesn't wants to give.

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