13. Boss Lady

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"Stop near the next medical store" I ordered the driver , ignoring the fact the Daniel will never agree.

"Why?" I wish I had a tape to close his mouth.

"I have to buy drugs , that's what dad has kept you for , so call him now!" I spatted whatever came in my mind and he showed no emotions , not even his eyes blinked.

"Seriously , from a medical store? " He smiled a little , why do people stops smiling ? It really makes them beautifull.

"I have to take a tablet for headache" I think this excuse will work , well my head is really started hurting now .


What why now? I will kill him someday or other but for now I clenched my fist , even the headache is creating more problem.

"Because you are giving me a headache" I said holding my head.


Why can't he accept his defeat by saying directly on my face, he just looks away.

"Did you just accepted that your presence gives me headache?" I chuckled lightly and he stopped the smile forming on his lips

"Are you going or should I order to start the car"

"Going ! Don't follow me like a stalker" And he opened his door even before I opened mine.

I stood up carefully placing my feet on ground, I hope I don't stumble here. Each step felt too difficult to take. Walking slowly , balancing myself I reached the store. Daniel was just behind me , if I take even one step behind, my back will collide with his chest.

The store owner recognised me, regular customer. He smiled at me before taking out the medicines.

"For headache as well" I smiled politely.

He nodded and handed me all the medicines , Daniel was looking at them , maybe trying to find the names but I am not that stupid , I always takes them packed . He keeps them ready for me .

"Are you a walking hospital?" He asked

"No!" I am annoyed from him.

"I mean this much of tablets affects health also" I heard a different tone from him for first time.

"Are you concerned for me?" I teased him , remembering his words , that day.

"No way!" He looked away.

"Then mind your business" I walked away from him , still slowly and carefully.

"Was doing that only" He replied but I didn't waited for it , as I was already inside the car.

The car started and I placed my head at the back of seat , closing my eyes. Maybe that might help. I didn't realised he was staring at me.

"You can take the medicines" His voice woke me.

"Huh?" I didn't opened my eyes .

"I will wake you once we reaches." He said calmy, passing me the bottle. I took the headache tablet before falling in sleep. I am light sleeper , that's why each jerk or light coming from window , disturbed me. I was half asleep but realised that he placed his hand below my head , carefully not to wake me up.

I felt like hot water drowing from my eyes , those memories can never let me sleep. The car stopped , maybe we reached , I opened my eyes .

"Didn't reached , you can sleep" He said , he was looking away then how do he knows I got up?

I wiped the tears from my cheek , rubbing my eyes. It took 5-10 minutes to reach home. I remembered about all the pending things I have to do , grabbing all my energy to open the door and stood up . I turned to say a thank you to him , but he was nowhere to be seen . Maybe, he left.

Shades of Lies ✔ [Completed] #Book1Where stories live. Discover now