40. Shattered Wings : The Unwanted Union

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Athulya's POV

I winced as I opened my eyes, a sharp pain pulsating at my forehead. Ah, the throbbing ache. But, I'm alive. Still breathing and smelling the dried blood on my face.

My hands and waist were securely bound to the unforgiving chair, the tight restraints biting into my skin. I whimpered, attempting to free myself, but the knots held firm, rendering my struggles futile. Panic coursed through me like an electric shock, intensifying as I realized my mouth was tightly covered. My clothes bore the scars of tearing, adding to the disarray of the situation.

A surge of anxiety gripped me. Despite the rational reassurance that I was physically unharmed, my mind and heart seemed locked in discord. The room felt suffocating, the air thick with uncertainty, and the disheveled state of my surroundings mirrored the turmoil within me.

The sensation of vulnerability sank in as I recalled the events leading to my current predicament. The abrupt assault, the restraints – it all pointed to an orchestrated plan. I hope Nidhi managed to get out and reach her home.

Ah! My head..my vision is still blur..this diziness.

The distant echo of footsteps approached, sending a shiver down my spine. I strained to listen, hoping to discern any hints about the impending encounter. The anticipation hung in the air, and the unknown loomed closer, intensifying the urgency of my need to escape this enigmatic prison. But I can't, I am helpless here.

A sudden pang struck me—my bag was not with me , it contained my camera the main proof as well as a treasure trove of life's snapshots, the essence of my moments.

"TCH TCH...what have you made of this little girl. See, how she is whimpering like a bird trapped in a cage." Ajeet Shekhawat's sinister silhouette emerged from the shadows, his eyes gleaming with a predatory intensity. His dark aura enveloped the room, suffocating any glimmer of hope. 

His chilling laughter echoed, slicing through the silence. His voice dripped with cruelty as he continued, "You thought you could escape, dear Athulya? Now, face the consequences of your naive endeavors. The cage has just become smaller, and the predator is here."

I tried to speak, but my mouth was tightly covered; my lips, stained with blood, betrayed the struggle. Whimpers pleaded for release as I fought against the biting ropes that bound my wrists, and my feet pounded the ground in a desperate rhythm of defiance.

"Try your heart out," he smirked at my actions and continued, "But when a bird enters my cage, it goes out only after death—a painful death."

"What Rana,unseal the lips of this delicate bird. I long to hear the haunting melody of her screams," Ajeet commanded. Grinning, one of his man approached, forcing my mouth open. 

My voice, tainted with the metallic taste of blood, trembled as I gasped for air. "Why have you kept me here?"

Ajeet's response echoed through the dimly lit room, punctuated by the cruel laughter of his accomplices. "For entertainment."

The sinister chorus of laughter reverberated off the cold, unforgiving walls, intensifying the chilling atmosphere.

Leaning in with a malevolent grin, Ajeet continued, "I will record each of your screams until you die, and then, I'll gift it to your family."

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