37. Winning Goals and Whispered Memories

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Hello silent readers. 

I wants to know how many of you are actually reading, so make me know your presence using the vote button.

Also, tell me is it that difficult to hit the vote on the previous chapters Or all those are just trash and you are voting on recent ones just for the sake of next chapter. 

Not even 10% of you are voting, which is a minimum percent. This is only giving a negative view about the story to new readers. 

It is disheartening and demotivating to get such a response, but I will still keep writing the next chapter in the best manner I can. 

Enjoy Reading! 

5000+ words!!


Athulya's POV

"What the hell! Do you have buttons in place of your eyes?" the taxi driver bellowed.

"And you have stones in place of them," retorted the car driver, his face turning red from the heated exchange.

I, caught in the middle of this unexpected showdown, couldn't resist muttering to myself, "Is this the new reality show – 'Clash of the Commuters'?"

The taxi driver, undeterred, fired back, "You drive like you got your license from a cereal box!"

The car driver, not one to be outdone, quipped, "Well, at least my car doesn't sound like a symphony of dying cats."

A pedestrian passing by couldn't help but add fuel to the fire, "Hey, both of you, why don't you start a comedy show?"

The taxi driver, pointing accusingly at the car driver, exclaimed, "This guy cut me off like he's auditioning for 'Fast and Furious: Commuter Edition.'"

The car driver, with a smirk, shot back, "Oh please, your taxi has more dents than a golf ball at a driving range."

Amidst the verbal fireworks, I sighed and took my head out, meeting the same pair of eyes sitting inside. With synchronized eye rolls, we simultaneously opened our doors, eager to escape the circus on wheels. Fate seemed to have a twisted sense of humor, orchestrating these encounters between me and the man I despised for all the valid and invalid reasons.

"Step inside," he gestured, giving his driver a reassuring pat on the back, and the man obediently took his seat, simmering down.

"I'll take it from here, go inside," I echoed, mirroring his actions and signaling for my driver to do the same. The dispute between them was now irrelevant; the focus had shifted. It was a confrontation between us – two sets of identical eyes, yet our paths diverging like parallel lines.

"You just needs ways to fight , don't you?"  I folded my arms, sitting on the bonet of the taxi, meanwhile he leaned on his car, ignoring my eyes.

"No! I can fight without any reasons. Anyways, I don't have time for spoilt brats"

"Oh! Poor man, doesn't even has time for himself. Isn't it? Mr. Spoilt Singhania."I hopped down, closing the distance between us, looking up due to his towering height.

"What did you think, buying up all the stocks would put me at a loss? Listen up, kid, the college you're still slogging in—I graduated from years ago, and the path you're navigating was paved by me." His eyes glinted with an evil smile. Yet, my gaze was fixated on his features, eerily similar to mine. Not only did we share the same eyes, but he also had the same nose, the same skin tone. Copycat!

"Shame, shame!" I placed my hands over my mouth and continued, "And I.am.not.a.kid. You should be ashamed that your junior managed to bring you to the ground, or you should be thankful for that." My arms tightened, wrapped around themselves. My neck was indeed hurting from looking up at him, especially in the sun. My cornea was on the verge of getting damaged, all thanks to him.

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