5. The lost Soul

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Author's POV

She still couldn't forget what happened a few hours ago; he was and is the worst devil of her life, the most horrible secret. She sat in the rain for three hours, just trying to wash away his touch, but it didn't help; she failed. Each time the raindrops flowed from her body, she felt his touch spreading everywhere. Why is life so cruel to her? She hates her body for letting him touch her.

He is the reason she hates men and will forever, and such is her fate. She doesn't know who he is, what his name is. She can't even recognize his face! But she knows he is nothing more than a monster. She can't erase his memories; he broke her soul so badly that maybe it will never heal.

Something is hurting inside her, but she feels nothing. Nothing! She wants to die, but something inside her is screaming at her to live. This world is too cruel. She also wants to be a star but doesn't want to look at all the monsters from there.

Diwali rarely sees rain, but today it was raining heavily, although it was November. She was feeling restless, so she went to the temple for some positivity. She needed answers from God.

"What happened, Athulya? Why are you sitting here?" The priest looked at her sitting on the stairs and questioned.

"Pandit ji, why is my fate so bad? Why does God punish me only? What's my fault? Why me for everything?" She controlled herself from saying anything further.

"He doesn't make anyone bad; it's the people who themselves become like this. Everybody gets punishment for their bad deeds. I don't know about your problem, but believe in God; he will make everything okay. Just don't get disappointed," he patted her shoulders to assure her.

"Am I too bad?" Her voice was toneless like a broken piano.

"No, baccha, you are such a good soul."

She knew he lied to keep her heart.

"Go home now, or you will catch a fever." She stared at his figure blankly; he was going to his home, but she didn't want to. She needed a few answers from God.

"My chocopie , see who is here"

"We will play a game , come here"

She didn't want to hear his words, but they kept ringing in her ears.

"I don't want to live, God. Please call me. I am tired now. Please listen to me at once. I will not disturb you there. You never agreed to my wishes, but I never complained. But it's enough now. I am tired of being a sunshine girl. I can't fake it anymore. I can't do it. Please."

"He keeps his favourite children as stars with him."

"You are a bad omen."

"I am not your favourite. I am not anybody's favourite. I know this. I know you don't want to keep a bad omen with you. Your world is too cruel for people like me. We people should not live here. This was your last time meeting this Athulya because she will be dead after this night. I will be fake forever now. I will keep faking it if that's what you want."

She left for the nearby jungle from the temple, unsure about where to seek comfort. She just kept walking on the dark path.

Her phone beeped.


Don't do anything silly , I don't wants my sister to cry. Don't forget about all those who loves you , don't forget you parents. Think about all of them before doing anything.

She knew, it was Aarav, he is one those persons who makes her feel safe. It's too late now , she knows who loves her as they are very few counted persons, her parents and friends and she is not sure whether their love is true or not.

She was walking alone in that dark haunted area with a knife that she carries . She has decided on it , she don't want to be good anymore. She is too tired from all this . Taking out the knife , she dragged it in his palm , her hands were full of blood but rain washed it away. She make a scar in her palm that always remind her of the scars in her soul. She don't want to be the same Athulya anymore, that Athulya died the moment he touched her. She doesn't wants to forget her pain , the pain in her hand was nothing in compared to that of her soul. Scars of heart heals but those of soul never. 

"Night is all about devils"

"Either they attacks you or you becomes a devil yourself"

"No devil will attack me from now because I am a devil myself"

"I will live this world in my own ways, I don't care for anyone"

"Everone is a devil until I step up"

She has decided that she will become the same Athulya whom she has left in Austrailia.

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This was a short chapter but I wanted to write about Athulya's feeling in one chapter so here it is.

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