1.Party Night

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Author's POV

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the royal palace, preparations for Prince Yuvaan's birthday celebration were in full swing. The grandeur of the palace was accentuated by the elaborate decorations that adorned every corner. Exquisite flowers, shimmering lights, and luxurious fabrics transformed the already opulent surroundings into a dazzling spectacle.

The air was filled with the hustle and bustle of servants and decorators ensuring that every detail was perfect for the elite guests who would soon arrive. The grand ballroom, where the celebration would take place, was a vision of splendor, with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and the finest tapestries adorning the walls.

Prince Yuvaan, however, was oblivious to the meticulous preparations underway. He lounged in his lavishly furnished room, surrounded by the trappings of wealth and privilege. His life had been one of indulgence, shielded from the hardships that many faced outside the palace walls. At 22, he was technically an adult, but his maturity level lagged far behind, a consequence of a life insulated from the challenges of the real world.

Concerned about the finer details, Jaiveer inquired about the dinner arrangements. Reassured by the response, "Everything is ready, hukum," he nodded in approval, acknowledging the thoroughness of the preparations. With a keen sense of responsibility and pride, Jaiveer emphasized, "I don't want anything less for my grandson's birthday," expressing his desire for nothing short of perfection for this special occasion. His instructions reflected not only the importance of the celebration but also a commitment to upholding the family's standards of grandeur and excellence.

As the clock struck 9:00 PM, the grand royal party for Prince Yuvaan's birthday was in full swing. Swara, his mother, took a moment to instruct him with a mix of maternal concern and a reminder of their royal status, "Yuvaan, get ready baccha, and behave yourself today at least." Her words carried the weight of both maternal care and the awareness of their public image.

With a stern gaze, Aaryaveer warned Yuvaan, "And don't drink more than 2 glasses. I don't want any scene." The unspoken understanding was clear – as royals, their every move was under scrutiny by the media. Any misstep could quickly become the talk of the town, a trending topic for gossip that could tarnish the family's reputation.

In this world of elite social circles, where rivals in business coexisted as friends in personal life, there existed a delicate balance. The attendees, though competitors in their professional endeavors, understood the importance of maintaining a distinction between personal and professional life. The party wasn't just a celebration; it was a carefully choreographed event where the boundaries between business and pleasure were meticulously preserved to safeguard the intricate dynamics of their social world.

As the guests began to arrive, the grandeur of the royal party enveloped the palace grounds. Attendees mingled in their exclusive circles, engaging in animated conversations and laughter. The air was filled with a palpable energy as the elite guests reveled in the opulence of the celebration.

Amidst the bustling crowd, a girl stood out, accompanied by her mother. With long, flowing hair, emerald eyes, and gracefully long eyelashes, she exuded a timeless beauty that captivated those who caught sight of her. 

In the realm of the elite, Athulya, the scion of the Oberoi family, commanded attention. After years of studying abroad, she had returned to India, her presence illuminating the grand celebration. Unfazed by her mother's enthusiastic boasting in their social group, Athulya gracefully meandered through the opulent surroundings.

Engaging with the regal figure of the gathering, Swara, the queen of Jiasalmer, Athulya greeted her with a respectful "Namaste."

"Ma, who is this girl, and why did you invite her? I don't want anything to dampen the mood of my party," Yuvaan queried, a touch of annoyance coloring his expression.

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