Chapter 4 - Oblivous

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I had astronomy tonight meaning I had to stay up and after the shit nights sleep I had gotten the night before I knew if I went back to my dorm I would fall asleep so instead I went to the library.

Before taking a seat at my usual spot I browsed through a couple aisles before finding what I was looking for 'Magic of the Mind - Legilimency, Occlumency and Non- verbal Spells.'

I began reading but was shortly interrupted by Malfoy.

"What are you doing here, you don't even have homework today!" Malfoy exclaimed extremely confused.

"One, who said I didn't have homework for another class and second of all if I go back to my dorm I will fall asleep and I actually like astronomy." I replied not taking my eyes off of my book.

"Is there really a subject that you don't like?"


"To be fair, I don't think many prime liek divination. Anyways what you reading hun?" He questioned.

"Book about mind magic."


"Eh just for fun." I shrugged.

"FUN? You call that fun, geez you Ravenclaws  are weird" And with that I grabbed my envelope that I was yet to send and wacked him.

"And feisty." I raised my hand at him again finally looking him in the eye. They looked different than usual, it's like they were free; free from the act, like they were actually feeling something other than anger.

"Geez ok, I was kidding." He said defensively.

Draco's POV 

I don't know what it is about her but she makes me feel loved; yes I have friends but most of them are only friends with me for the power.

When her eyes lock with mine my heart beats faster,  I can't help but feel happy, I can feel a smile slowly creeping onto my face.

"Ok, how did you do that." I asked.

"Do what?" She replied finally putting the book down.

"In class, how the hell did you brew the potion in half the time?"

"Ohh that, my dad was great at potions, I grew up brewing potions with him in our spare time; he taught me how to make them more efficiently." She replied with such kindness in her eyes, I could tell she valued family she has the same look in her eyes when she is talking about her family as mother does when she talks about me.

"Every time you've spoken about your parents you say was, is that intentional?" I asked trying not to be rude. The second the words left my mouth a look or horror washed over her face, she immediately looked down. I could tell she was on the verge of tears. I swiftly got up and crouched by her side grabbing her hands in mine.

"Hey, it's ok sorry I didn't mean to upset you sweetie."  She looked into my eyes.

"It's not your fault, yes they died, about a month before this term."

"Oh I'm so sorry Lilla, do you mind if I asked how they died?" I responded.

"Death Eater attack, we don't know why though."

"That's horrible." I felt bad for her, I wonder why the death eater when after her parents they were pure blood. I pulled my seat over near hers to sit. Trying to lighten the mood I changed the subject.

"You and Blaise huh?" I said hinting to his attempts at flirting in potions earlier today.

"What are you talking about?" She answered confused.

"He was flirting with you all class, don't tell me you didn't notice." I answered stunned that she didn't pick up on his hopeless attempts.

"He was?" She asked innocently.

"You are so oblivious sweetie." I replied, letting the nickname slip off my tongue. She giggled at my comment.

"If you couldn't tell I'm not great in that department." She sighed.

"Have you ever been in a relationship?" I questioned.


"Has anyone ever tried?"

"I was gonna say no, but seen what happened in potions I don't know anymore." She said annoyed that she couldn't pick up on such an obvious gesture. I smirked, she was getting tired; she looked adorable. Then she spoke up snapping my out of my gaze.

"I presume you have had many."

"To many peoples surprise, I haven't even kissed a girl." I replied

"Seriously, Draco Malfoy- the Slytherin Price - the school player hasn't even kissed a girl!"

"It's true." I was gonna say something else until I was interrupted.

"Fuck we are late to astronomy!" Lilla whisper shouted running out of the library, I got up and followed her to the astronomy tower. astronomy!" Lilla whisper shouted running out of the library, I got up and followed her to the astronomy tower.

Oblivious - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now