Chapter 8 - Diamonds

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I woke up to my five favourite people telling me. I couldn't help but smile at everyone gathering around me. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna and Leo

"Come on get up, it's present time." Ron exclaimed.

"Wait, how on earth did you get in the Ravenclaw common room?" I questioned the trio.

"Let's just say we have our ways."  Harry winked at me brother. Of course he let them in, I wasn't complaining but it definitely sounded like something he would do.

We all gathered at the end of my bed and  I saw the pile of presents, I was flattered they didn't have to do this for me. I opened everyone's presents and yet there was one left.

"An owl dropped it here this morning." Luna told me. I carefully unwrapped the present revealing a box.  I opened it to see a white gold necklace with three diamonds on it; one bigger centre one and a slightly smaller diamond either side of it. I put the necklace around my neck, it sitting just under my collarbone. There was a note in the box, it only said one word. Sweetheart. But that one word told me all I needed to know.

"Who's that from." Ron questioned me.

"No idea." I lied. Luna gave me a look of knowing, I don't know what she knows but she has a talent for figuring things out so she probably knows.

"Okay, you have 15 minutes to get ready we are taking you to Hogsmeade." Harry stated.


We sat in the three broomsticks all drinking our butter beers, it was a simple gesture yet it meant so much.

We sat in the corner, all quite close due the low temperature. Just as we were about to leave when Draco and his fellow Slytherins entered. Most of them made weird faces at the trio or made snarky comments towards 'Loony Lovegood', but not Draco his eyes were set on me; specifically on the necklace that hung around my neck. When he saw it he smiled and I swore I saw him blush a bit, he continued with the rest of the Slytherins to a table on the other side of the restaurant.

We paid and left the three broomsticks- well technically Harry paid but that's only because he wouldn't let anyone else pay.

"We're going to go to honeydukes are you three coming?" Ron asked Luna, Leo and I.

"I will." My brother replied.

"No, I think in just going to go back."

"I will go with her." Luna said.

"Okay, be safe Lilla." Leo stated, he was always very protective of me.

Luna and I walked in silence for about 10 minutes until she spoke up.

"Malfoy treats you well." She simply said.

"What-" I was cut off.

"I've seen you in the library with him, I see how he looks at you from across the great hall."

"Yea, I guess so."

"Is there something more going on- between you and Malfoy I mean." She quires, tilting her head slightly now looking at me.

"Not really."

"You sound unsure."

"I think he likes me." I stated, it was the first time I actually agreed with the statement.

"Do you like him?"

"I don't know, I don't know what it feels like, I've never felt it before." I shrugged.

"That's fine, does anyone else know."

"No one knows, not even about our friendship."

"I won't tell anyone Lilla, but you know they're not going to like it."

"I know, he isn't the nicest to everyone, but he treats me so well." I replied. I can't get him off my mind- is this what it feels like? I pondered the thought for some time.

"So the necklace was from him" I just nodded.

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