Chapter 18 - O.W.L or Owl

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The first day of classes, I have defence against the dark arts first with our new professor. Professor Umbridge. As she was going on about O.W.Ls I completely zoned until I heard Harry raise his voice slightly.

"What use is that? If we're attacked, it won't be risk-free?" He questioned Umbridge. I quickly caught up figuring out that we were not allowed to use magic. Huh?

"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class. It is the view of the Ministry... that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient... to get you through your examinations... which, after all, is what school is all about." Is she insane.

"And how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry continued with a hint of anger in his voice.

"There is nothing out there, dear. Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself?" 

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe Lord Voldemort." Harry replied sarcastically. Oh yes, apparently when I left at then end of last year I missed the most eventful thing to happen. When Harry was completing in the last task on the TriWizard tournament, the cup was a port key to Lord Voldemort himself. He watched Cedric get killed, he fought Voldemort, somehow making it out alive along with Cedric's dead body. And yet somehow everyone thinks he is lying.

If this is what this year is going to be like, it's going to be a living hell here. The class eventually ended with Harry earning a detention of the first day. Well done Harry.


Just behind Hagrids hut in the forest Luna and I stood before some thestrals, feeding them and just being in their presence.

Soon after Harry came down and started to speak to Luna. After a bit of chat about the thestrals the ministry got brought up.

"We all believe you, by the way." Luna stated, Harry and I both looked at her weirdly.

"That He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back, and you fought him... and the Ministry and the Prophet are conspiring against you." She cleared up. Oh yea that.

"Thanks. It seems you're about the only ones that do." Harry said.


Later that evening just after dinner I was out wandering the grounds until I saw something flying in the distance. Draco. He was on his usually evening fly. I hadn't spoken to him in person since I was in the hospital wing, I wrote to him a bit over the summer but we were both busy. I believe this calls for a bit of fun.

I ran down to the side of the black lake hoping he didn't see me, thankfully he didn't. I ducked behind a tree turning into my animagus form. An owl. To be specific a snowy owl.

I took off soaring into the air spreading my wings. Oh Merlin I loved this feeling. I felt so free, I did a few laps before Draco came into sight just ahead of me. I flew faster eventually catching up to him and steady flying along beside him. He saw me; or what he thought was an owl and smiled. He turned and I followed, we did this for the next ten minutes until I got in front. I quickly dipped down to the suffrage of the black lake dragging my claws through the water; Draco followed staying a bit higher above the water. We went back up flying in cirlces til I got ahead and quickly flew back to the edge behind tree, I saw Draco heading my way so I quickly transfigured into my human body. He soon landed beside me.

"Lilla." Draco gasped pulling me into a huge hug, lifting me off the ground spinning around.

"I missed you so much sweetheart," He said putting me down. He kept a hand on my waist pulling me closer to him while the other came up to my chin steadying my face as he kissed me before I could say a word.

"A bit desperate now are we?" I giggled, teasing him slightly.

"It's been three months, can you blame me?"

"I missed you too." I said kissing him once again.

"Did you send that owl?" He questioned.


"It's a bit weird."

"What do you mean." I asked GETTIBG slightly defensive. I am not a weird owl thank you.

"It was a snowy owl, their eyes are usually yellow, but it had gorgeous green eyes; like yours." He replied.

"She does, doesn't she?" I said softly. It was one of the first things I noticed about my 
owl-self. My eyes were a piercing green colour, almost mesmerising; they were the type of eyes you could get lost in.

"She? Does she have a name?"

"Uh, yes and no."

"What's that meant to mean?"

"Shall we fly?" I asked him plainly.

"Okay?" He said sceptical. He mounted him broom expecting me to get on too, but instead I transfigured and flew off in ahead of him.

I turned back to see him in the same spot he was on when I left, this time with his jaw dropped.

Eventually he flew up beside me still amazed. We flew some more until he stopped letting me land on the front of his broom.

"Lilla, you're amazing have I ever told you that?" He said blushing in the cheeks.

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