Chapter 17 - Back Again

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Lilla's POV

This summer felt so similar to last, full of grief and mourning. As much as it felt the same it was different, I no longer had any immediate family, I have Luna and my uncle but it's not the same.

I got sent home early due to everything that happened regarding Leo towards the end of the year so I had a lot of time on my hands. My uncle kept a good eye on me until Luna returned for break but I made sure to keep myself distracted so I didn't go down that rabbit hole again. I did that by doing the only thing that I know would keep me distracted-studying. I was by no means behind on anything; in fact I was top of the class but I studied anyway. I tried to produce a patronus but I just couldn't, everything was too fresh.

For the first week or so I worked on many skills that but I kept mastering then within an hour or so, I needed to teach myself that would take a lot of dedication and would occupy me for the rest of the holidays. So naturally I tried to become an animagus- and succeeded.

Regardless I was excited to go back to school, excited to see my friends.

Once we reached the platform Luna and I parted ways, she went to sit with her first as did I going to sit with the trio. I walked into their compartment at was immediately engulfed in a hug from Hermione.

"Lilla it's so good to see you" she said finally releasing me.

"How have you been." She continued.

"I'm a lot better, thank you." We spoke for the rest of the trip before hopping off the train, Hermione and I walking behind the boys.

"I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free. Better enjoy it while you can, I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." It was Draco. I hated seeing him like this, so cruel and dark, I know he is soft and sweet deep down. He never acted this when I was around, I doubt he has seen me yet.

Harry lashed out at him, Ron holding him back thankfully.

"What'd I tell you? Complete nutter." Draco joked to Crabbe and Goyle. That was my turning point, I didn't want to see any more of this.

"Excuse me Hermione." I said leaving her pushing through the boys towards Luna in the distance.

"Lilla." I heard Draco say almost a whisper. I kept walking joining Luna on a carriage. So after the trio approached our carriage.

"What is it?" Harry questioned

"What's what?" Hermione asked him.

"That. Pulling the carriage."

"Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry, it's pulling itself, like always." Hermione looked at Harry as if he was mad.

"You're not going mad, I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am."

"I can see them too." I said, knowing Luna can come off a bit. Weird.

The tri joined us on the carriage aswell as Neville who I briefly knew from a few classes.

"Everyone, this is Loony Love... Luna Lovegood." Hermione introduced Luna.

"My cousin." I added.


Finally the feast was over. It has been a big day, I just wanted to sleep. I exited the hall before being stopped by McGonagall.

"Ah Ms. Lovegood good to see you again,   Professor Dumbledore wishes to see you."

"Now?" I questioned.

"Yes, now; congratulations by the way." I nodded walking in the direction of the headmasters office. Congratulations? What's that about?

I entered the headmasters office, many uncomfortable feelings rushing back from the last time I was here. Feeling of sadness, grief, guilt, the list goes on.

"Good evening Lilla." He greets me.

"Good evening professor." I replied.

"How have you been?"

"A lot better, thank you."

"That is good to hear, but it is not what I called you here for." He stated looking me in the eyes.

"Okay." I spoke carefully.

"The Ministry has informed me of your achievements."

"My achievements." I asked, it hadn't clicked yet.

"You are a registered animagi, congratulations."

"Oh that, yes thank you."

"You are one smart girl." He replied smiling.

Oblivious - Draco MalfoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin