Chapter 19 - Prove it

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Lilla's POV

Classes were as usual, nothing too hard. After dinner I decided it was time to get back into my routine so after dinner I went to the library to do my homework like I did last year. It was quite peaceful; that was until it wasn't.

Crabbe and Goyle came into view, i don't know what they were doing here, I don't think they had studied in their life. I continued on ignoring their shenanigans until they called out to me.

"Hey, Lovegood." Goyle almost yelled through the almost silent library. I look up to look at the pair.

"What's the scar on your neck from?" Goyle continued. The scar on my neck remained. It was now quite faint but apparently still recognisable.

"A spell rebound." I lied

"You sure about that, it looks to me like you slit your throat." Crabbe stated getting closer.

"Hey dickheads, stop harassing her go bully Longbottom instead." I heard Draco tell the pair. They looked at each other, shrugged and walked away. Sorry Neville.

Draco came around the corner coming into view.

"Neville, really?" I asked

"Better him than you." He simply said taking a seat next to me.

"What's the badge about?" I questioned him.

"Inquisitorial squad, Father made me join."

"Umbridges' little squad for extra credit?"

"Yea that, she thinks Potter is up to something wants us to figure out what."

"Your little feud with Harry is childish you know?"

"He started it."

"Grow up Draco." I shook my head. We sat in the library studying til curfew, just like last year. The feeling was a good one, one that brought back many happy memories.


Just as I finished breakfast Hermione came up to me with a look of seriousness on her face.

"Me us at the black lake in your free period." She demanded.

"Um. Okay? Why?"

"You'll see." Is all she said before walking off. I am so confused.

I sat under the tree at the side of the black lake waiting for Hermione and whoever else she decides to bring with her. This spot was extremely reminiscent, I sat here feeling truely happy for the first time in a while. I was at peace with myself. All the happy memories I had experienced came rushing back sending my head back onto the ground forcing me to look up at the sky. If only I could feel this happy and content all the time.

I gasped, my body shooting back up. I had to take advantage of this feeling I grabbed out my wand holding it firm in my left hand.

"Expecto patronum." A huge blue like came from my wand taking the form of an owl. He flew around me; a blue light on his trail.

"You can cast a patronus." My focus broke,  as well as my patronus. I turned to see the golden trio staring at me in amazement.

"Um, well apparently." I replied sheepishly.

"Bloody hell Harry, maybe she should help you teach everyone." Ron exclaimed.

"What are you on about?"

"Well Umbridge is useless-." Ron stated before Hermione cut him off.

"We need to be able to defend ourselves, a theoretical knowledge isn't sufficient, especially now Voldemort is back."

"Isn't that against the rules?"

"Yes, but-" Harry began.

"Well no then, I'm not getting caught in the middle of this."

"Besides I trained all holidays, I think I'm quite ahead of everyone."

"Prove it."

"What?" I asked Harry, what was he implying?

"You heard me, prove it Lilla."


"Yes." I sighed well at least I got to practice on someone.

I grasped my wand in my left hand, Harry's in his right. We walked away from each other, then turning to face each other.

"Expelliarmus." Harry's wand flew onto my free hand.

"Stupefy." Harry got magically pushed back several meters.

"Bloody hell." I heard Ron mumble, but I wasn't done there.

"Leviocorpus." Harry was swiftly lifted into the air by his ankles, I held him steady with my wand.

"Legilimens." I casted, going into Harry's head.

"Believe me now, I don't need training." I told him directly.

"Yes okay Lilla, just put me down."  He begged

"Fine." I lowered him down and let him gather himself before throwing his wand to him.

"You know legilimency, since when?" He asked catching his wand.

"Beginning of 4th year."

"Please consider helping us teach everyone." Harry said, this time less forcefully.

"I'll consider it." I said walking off.

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