Chapter 11 - Gone

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I ran through the hall the two boys closely on my trial. A million thoughts were going through my head, was he going to be ok?

As I entered the hospital wing i saw Luna seated by Leo; many of the professors were gathered around Leo aswell.

I stammered to his side grabbing his hand, he looked terrible- he had cut and blood everywhere and he was unconscious. Madam Pomfrey was all over Leo trying her best to heal him.

"What happened?" I questioned.

"Dear, I don't think you should be seeing him like this." Madam Pomfrey interrupted.

"What happened." I repeated.

"Accident in potions, something got added to his cauldron by mistake." Dumbledore stated with sorrow in his eyes.

"Ms. Lovegoods' I know you want to be here with Leo but I think it's best if we let Madam Pomfrey treat him for now." Dumbledore added.

"Fine, but first how bad is he?" I turned to Madam Pomfrey.

"He isn't looking great but he will likely be fine." She said. Luna and I rose from our seats and made our way out of the hospital wing. To my surprise Blaise and Draco were still waiting at the entrance.

"How is he?" Draco asked. I said nothing I just ran into his arms burying my head into his chest sobbing. I was so distraught yet being in his arms gave me so much comfort.

"Madam Pomfrey said he should be fine eventually." Luna told the boys. I felt Draco nod in response.

"Let's get you back to your dorm sweetheart." Draco spoke in a soft tone. All four of us walked back to the Ravenclaw common room.

I sat in my dorm with Luna until dinner, us both sobbing from time to time. I didn't like feeling like this I was miserable, but Leo is all I have left, yes I have Luna but it's not the same.

I sat at the end of the Ravenclaw table alone eating dinner, that was until a familiar few students came up to me.

"Lilla how is Leo we heard about the accident?" Harry asked.

"What about her, how are you Lilla?" Hermione interjected.

"He is doing ok, I'm allowed to see him after dinner. And I'm ok at the moment I just don't want to lose him." I explained not looking very convincing. Hermione sat down next to me pulling me into her side.

"It will be ok, we are here and he is well taken care of." She said trying to calm me. The comfort of my friends was nice, it helped but it was nothing compared to the feeling of being in his arms.


I went directly to the hospital wing after dinner. I sat by Leo's side for hours holding his hand and talking to him. I hoped and hoped that he would wake up and talk to me yet it never happened.

"Ms. Lovegood it's time for you to go, you may return in the morning." Madam Pomfrey told me. I didn't want to leave but I had to.

Once I got back to my dorm I was so tired I feel asleep straight away, it wasn't a very good sleep but it was something.

A few hours later I woke up to Luna shaking me.

"Lilla you need to come now, it's something about Leo." She said clearly upset. We ran hand in hand to the hospital wing, she explained that she had received an owl from Madam Pomfrey urging us to come quickly. When we finally reached the hospital wing we were greeted by Madam Pomfrey.

"What happened?" Luna asked.

"I am so sorry, I assume you I wouldn't have gotten you up if it wasn't for a noble cause." Madam Pomfrey replied, she ushered us back to wear Leo laid- in the same position he was on when I left him just a few hours ago. But this time he was surrounded by almost every professor at Hogwarts; including the headmaster. They all turned to look at us with sorrow their faces.

"I am sorry to tell you this but Leo isn't going to make it." Dumbledore started. I ran by his side holding his hand.

"He was fine a few hours ago what happened?" I asked wiping my tears. Luna stood beside me trying to comfort me, yet still dealing with her own grief.

"The trauma to his head was worse than expected, he suffered a stroke." Madam Pomfrey told us. I just cried harder now hugging his entire body, I don't know how I'm going to live without him.

"I am so sorry." McGonagall spoke up.


We sat by him for hours sobbing, just hoping for a sign of life. Nothing ever happened he just laid there still. Luna and I didn't want to leave his side we both were trying to process everything. Yesterday he was happy and healthy and now he is lying on his death bed.

"Girls go have some breakfast you need to eat."Madam Pomfrey rushed into the room.

"But-" I tried to retort

"No buts, you may come back after." I sighed I didn't want to leave but I had to. I left the hospital wing with Luna close on my tail, my head was down I didn't want to talk to anyone I just wanted to have breakfast at get back to Leo as soon as possible; that was until I ran into someone. I wasn't paying attention and ran straight into them, I didn't know who it was but they were a lot taller than me.

"Sorry-" I looked up to see my favourite pair of silver eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck      holding him tight.

"How is he?" He asked pulling back, I didn't say anything I just cried into his chest;  his arms secured around my body.

"He is in his last few hours." Luna stated.

"I am so sorry sweetheart." His embrace  tightened. I felt his sweet lips plant a kiss on the top of my head.


After breakfast I rushed back to the hospital wing along with Luna as we had been excused from classes today.  We entered the hospital wing and saw Madam Pomfrey as usual.

"He's gone," was all she said.

Oblivious - Draco MalfoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang