Chapter 1 - Sorted

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Lilla's POV

"You're saying I just walk on through the wall?" I asked Luna with a questioning tone.

"Precisely." She stated then ran through the wall like it wasn't even there.

"Together?" My brother asked, holding out this arm for me to grab. I nodded, taking his arm.

Once we reached platform 9 3/4 we found Luna again.

"Come on, if we don't get on now it will be hard to find a seat." Luna emphasised. Leo and I rushed behind her and eventually got on the crimson train. We found an empty compartment and sat down, bracing for the long ride to Hogwarts.

"Luna! There you are" A young girl said excitedly, as she took a seat next to Luna not yet noticing Leo and I

"Who are they?" She then asked.

"They are my cousins: Leo and Lilla, they are new." Luna told her.

"Nice to meet you, Ginny Weasley." She said. I instantly recognised that name, that's the family Mr. Malfoy thought I was from and honestly I see the resemblance.

"Hello." I replied.

"I'm sorry if this comes of rude, but how are you a Lovegood"

"I honestly don't know, I get that a lot" I replied, it was my go-to response to this question.

"You look like you could be my sister!" Ginny said.

"Someone told me that I looked like a Weasley the other day." I replied, thinking back to Diagon Alley.

"Makes sense."


After what seemed like forever, we arrived at Hogsmeade station.
Luna and Ginny went ahead and Leo left to find an old friend leaving me to get my trunk down. Once I finally got it down I headed to the exit. My trunk was heavy as I have a tendency to overpack. So I struggled to get it if the train.

"Need a hand there, Lovegood?" I looked up to see the same tall blonde boy from Diagon Alley.

"Yes please, sorry."

"No problem, what's your name?" He asked while he grabbed my trunk and lifted it off the train.

"Lilla- Lilla Lovegood, yours?"

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He smiled.

"Well thank you, I better catch up with my cousin."

"Lilla where did you go, we couldn't find you?" My brother stated worried.

"Sorry my trunk was heavy." I replied.

"Luna what are those things pulling the carriages?" I ask, not have seen thestrals before

"What are you on Lilla, there is nothing there." Explains Leo.

"They're called thestrals Lilla. Leo you can't see them because you haven't witnessed death; Lilla has."

Draco POV

I couldn't believe it, I thought I would never see her again after that day at Diagon Alley. I didn't expect her to be attending my school. She is beautiful, I wonder what year she is in.


After sitting through one of the longest sorting ceremonies ever Dumbledore stood forward to speak.

"That would usually be the end of sorting ceremony but this year we have two new students" he said. I heard all the other slytherin sigh just wanting the feast begin. I usually would join then but I knew who he was talking about an was actually excited for this. As much as I hoped she is in slytherin, I knew she wouldn't be; she was to quiet and besides her whole family are Ravenclaws.

"First joining 6th year, Mr. Leo Lovegood." He walked up and sat on the seat and Mcgonagall placed the sorting hat on his head.

"Hmm this is tricky, you definitely have the intelligence of a Ravenclaw, yet I sense you have much bravery... GRYFFINDOR!" Maybe there is a chance of Lilla being in slytherin after all.

"And finally going into 4th year, Miss Lilla Lovegood." Dumbledore explained. She is in my year thank Merlin.

"Ah just like the rest of her family, RAVENCLAW!"


Oblivious - Draco MalfoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora