Chapter 12 - Collapse

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I ran back to my dorm as fast as possible, holding back the tear that were accumulating in my eyes- I didn't want anyone to see me cry. I knew it was coming yet the reality of it hadn't set in til now.

The second I entered my dorm I collapsed; I was on my knees tears flowing down my face. He was all o had left and now he is gone. The feeling of grief was harder than I remembered. I was completely numb I felt like I was empty, what is the point in living if I had no one to live for?

Next thing I know I woke to a distressed Luna calling my name.


Luna's POV

I turned my back on her for two seconds and she disappeared; I just wanted some more pudding! I assumed she had left to go see Leo, she had been there all morning, I can't even begin to imagine how she feels, she lost her parents just nine months ago and now she is about to lose her brother.

Of course I was extremely upset about Leo, but my Lilla needs me, she needs me to stay strong for her.

I made my way to the hospital wing preparing to again see my dying cousin. I walked into the hospital wing and was faced with Madam Pomfrey.

"Miss. Lovegood, I am sorry but Leo has passed." I felt tears develop in my eyes, I just had to remind myself; atleast he isn't suffering.

"Thank you for all you've done, may I ask have you seen Lilla?" I questioned knowing that Lilla had been her.

"Yes, she was here about 10 minutes ago, she ran off as soon as I told her." She replied worryingly. I smiled at her and left.

I walked through the halls towards the Ravenclaw common room, letting the tears run down my face. There was so much sadness run through my veins I just want to curl up and cry but Lilla needs me now more than ever.

I rushed into her dorm to find her limp on the floor. I collapsed next to her trying to find a pulse, which I did. She must have just passed out.

"Lilla, Lilla wake up... please." I cried shaking her body.  Once she finally woke she started shaking anxiously.

"L-Luna he's gone." She said leaning into me sobbing once again.

"I know." I replied trying to accept the harsh reality.


Lilla's POV

Today was one of the hardest days, it had officially been a week since Leo had passed and today I had to resume my classes.
I had been in bed for the past week not even getting g up to eat. Luna and Hermione had kept bringing me food, I never really ate much of it though.  Harry and Ron had come to check on me as well.

Even with all my friends around me I felt alone, like I was the only one who had to deal with the pain and suffering, like I was the only one who knows what this feels like, like I'm the only one who has experienced this.

I got up, looking myself in the mirror for the first time in a week and i could barely recognise myself. My eyes were puffy from the constant crying, I was paler than usual and even though it had only been a week I had already lost weight.

I wiped away my most recent tears and made my way to the great hall for breakfast.

Hermione's POV

Waiting and waiting then she finally appeared. She looked horrid. She sat down infront of us at the Gryffindor table.

"Lilla, I was just going to come find you." Harry told her, patting the seat beside him. I looked at Ron concerned and he returned my look.

"Are you going to eat anything?" I asked. She just shook her head in response. I was getting worried she was barely eating lately, I know it's been hard on her but she needs to eat.

She left soon after for some reason, I wouldn't see her for another few hours I just hoped she would be ok.

"She looks dreadful." Ron commented. To that Harry nodded.

"She isn't eating enough." I spoke up.

Oblivious - Draco MalfoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora