Chapter 6 - Should I?

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As promised, after dinner the following night I met Draco in the library. We worked on the assignment finishing all in one go.  I was glad to have the stress of finishing it off my shoulders so soon.

"Did you watch the tournament today?" I asked Draco.

"Yea, I'm surprised everyone survived actually."

"Honestly me too, oh have you got a date to the ball?" I questioned him curiously.

"No, had a few girls ask me but I would rather not go with them, how about you."

"Nope, I don't know if I'm going to go with anyone, it's a lot of pressure "

"Makes sense." He replied.


The last class until Christmas break. I have double potions which I don't mind. I was going into hoping that Snape would do what the other professors have been doing and letting us do some lighter work, but it's Snape so what should I expect.

To my surprise Snape actually made the lesson slightly easier. He required that we were to write an essay on the potions we have studied so far this year. It seems like a lot but he said we only had to write 2 pages worth instead of 3 so I see that as a win.

I am sat at a table with Draco, Blaise and Cho, we all sat silently writing our essays but I couldn't help but realise a set of eyes on me and a set of angry eyes on him.

I was breezing through the work and didn't want to be doing nothing later so I decided to stop for a minute.

I had be working on some non-verbal magic recently and have recently mastered occlumency and legilimency, I don't use them very often because that would be rude but I want to know if Draco is right. Does Blaise like me?

I put my hand under my robe touching my wand-

"Legilimens" I mumbled ever so slightly.

"Lilla, Lilla Lovegood a such a pretty name. She is beautiful , I wonder if she would go to the ball with me?"

Draco was right, oh no.

Draco's POV

I sat at dinner waiting for it to be over, I just wanted to go to the library as see Lilla again. Even though we are on Christmas break Lilla still goes to study, I have no idea why but I don't mind as long as I get to see her. I was thinking to myself when I was interrupted.

"Do you think I should ask Lilla to the ball?"  Blaise asked me.

"If you want to be killed, sure." I replied sarcastically.

"Oh, does she have a boyfriend?" He questioned.


"Do you like her Malfoy?" He whispered shouted in surprise.

"No I do not, but for your information we are friends." I said looking over at her.

"What, when, why, how?" Blaise replied as confused as ever.

"Friends. Library since beginning of term.  She is nice. I needed help with an essay." I said plainly.

"Okay." He replied and the conversation ended there.


I went to the back of the library to put usual spot to find Lilla concentrating on Merlin knows what.

"What on earth are you doing Lilla?"


"Real helpful." She finally looked up and met my eyes.

"I'm working in some non-verbal spells." She stated.

"Really, that seems pretty advanced."

"It is, it's quite hard but it's fun to work on."

"What exactly have you been working on?" I inquired.

"Lately, occlumency and legilimency."

"Seriously, they are really hard, have you done them yet?"

"Yea, I have but I try not to pry into people's minds often though."

"Wow you really are a genius." I said smirking.

"If you say so- the ball is in two weeks you found a date yet?"

"Nope, I decided I'm also going alone."

"Well good for you, oh by the way turns out Blaise does like me; you were right." She said slightly embarrassed.

"And how did you figure that out."

"I may have read his mind in that last potions lesson." I froze, remembering what I was thinking about that lesson. Her. I am hoping she didn't see that.

"I thought you said you didn't pry"

"No I said I don't pry often, get it right." I chuckled at her sass, no one speaks to me like that, they all speak like they are scared of me.

"What are you going to teach yourself next?" Is asked quickly changing the subject.

"I want to learn how to appearate but I'm too young, it would be fun to fly though." She stated which made me wonder

"Have you never been on a broom?" I asked.


"Okay we have to fix that, come on."  I said hopping up and offering my hand out to her.

Oblivious - Draco MalfoyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum