Chapter 13 - Soothing

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Draco's POV

I was well aware of what happened with Leo but I didn't think it would affect her this much. She walked into the potions class room away across from me. You could tell she had been crying for days on end, I felt so bad for her, she didn't deserve this.

No matter how much I tried to look at her or somehow make her talk she wouldn't acknowledge my presence, to be fair she wasn't paying much attention to anyone but professor Snape.

My hearted ached at the thought of her in so much pain, I can't bear to see her like this, so pale and weak.

I wish I could remove all her suffering but I know I can't. I wish she would atleast to talk to me.


Lilla's POV

The day was long, it dragged on for what felt like forever. I avoided everyone my only thought was to get through my classes so I could get back to my dorm. I just wanted to be alone, I didn't want everyone's sympathy.

Finally I reached my dorm after my first day of classes, technically I was meant to be at dinner but I didn't want to be around anyone longer than needed.

I let my walls down, all of my emotions came flowing back. Sadness. Guilt. Anger.

I spent the past week battling the thoughts in my head. What if I didn't leave him? Why wasn't it me? Is life still worth living? Sobbing once again I made my way to the bathroom to have a shower. I stood under the shower, the water running onto my stomach.The hot water on my skin was soothing, it stung but it helped. I got out feeling relieved, like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

My stomach continued to sting; almost like a burn. I looked on the mirror and I was in fact burnt, the water burnt the skin on my stomach. As bad as it was it helped, it helped soothe the pain I was feeling, canceling out the emotional pain I felt and replacing it with physical pain.

I got dressed into my pyjamas, I felt the emotional pain crawl back, I touched my stomach, falling to the floor in pain- I sobbed knowing it helped. I laid there crying for what felt like hours until I heard the rest of the girls enter the dorm.

I got up quickly composing myself gathering my robes and I left the bathroom and when straight to bed ignoring the other girls' questions and acts of sympathy.


Draco's POV

As much as I love potions, having it at the end of the day is exhausting. I enter the room to see my gorgeous girlfriends sitting at our bench like usual. She still was distraught from her brothers' death and I couldn't blame her, the school was making her go back to classes just one week after the tragic event.

The class started to fill and in walked Snape.

"Continue on your potions from yesterday, this will be your last practical before your O.W.L.s." Snape explained. I worked hard all lesson to complete my potion completely zoning out to focus on my potion until there was some slight commotion at my bench.

"Oh Lilla, I am so sorry." Blaise apologised. He had just ran into her bumping her lower torso into the bench, her faced showed signs of pain but also relief. She nodded at Blaise signaling that it was fine.

Like usual Lilla was the first one finished, god I loved her intelligence; she was a remarkable witch. She started to organise her belongings before Snape spoke to her.

"Ms. Lovegood, before you finish packing up, would you mind cutting up these dandelion roots for me?"

"Of course professor." She replied taking the roots. He walked away turning his attention to some of the less skilled students.

"Draco, may I borrow your knife?" She questioned. This was the first time she had spoken to me in a week.

"Sure, where's yours?" I questioned, handing her my knife.

"Put it away already." She shrugged. I knew that was a lie, she hadn't left the bench yet. But I just ignored it, maybe she just wanted to talk to me. I was just happy that she spoke to me.

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