Chapter 3 - Instructions

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Draco's POV

Once I got back to the dungeons I entered the common room which thankfully was empty. I fell back onto the couch facing the fire staring into it.

I don't know what it was about her, was it the fact that she stood up to my father or was it that she is in a forbidden house. Either way I knew I wanted her. Yet, I can't have her; well unless I want to be disowned.

I'm used to all the Slytherin girls craving my attention but none of them have peaked my interest, everyone thinks I'm some sort of player, going for a different girl each week but in reality I haven't even kissed a girl. I guess they are the rumours that come with the name 'The Slytherin Price.'

Lilla POV

When I woke the next morning I felt really tired, I don't know why but it took hours for me to get to sleep last night. I have astronomy tonight so I can't go to bed early.

After changing into my Ravenclaw robes I made my way down from the dorms into the common room where Luna was waiting for me.

"Good morning, you look awful did you get any sleep last night?" Luna exclaimed.

"Barely, i couldn't get to sleep til like 2:30."

"Aw that's not good at all." She replied taking my arm and leading us to the great hall for breakfast.


After breakfast I was heading out of the great hall when I heard a familiar voice call for me.

"Lilla, Lilla wait." Hermione called from behind me.

"Oh hey, Hermione where are you off to?"

"Double Herbology with Hufflepuff, how bout you?" She questioned.

"Double potions with Slytherin."

"Have fun with that, see you in astronomy tonight."

"Goodbye." I replied heading down towards the  dungeons.

I always have enjoyed potions and I am rather good at it too. My father's work involved potions and he and I used to make potions together often, he taught me how to make them easily or sometimes with a complete disregard to the instructions, some of my dearest memories with my father were us brewing up concoctions in our houses' dungeon.

I was one of the first to arrive at the potion classroom so I found myself a seat a watched as the rest of the class slowly trickled in. Seen Cho was sick today, I sat alone waiting for class to begin. I don't really mind I like being alone, it just means there is no one to disturb me.

"Today we will be brewing a common antidote for many poisons." Snape said in his usually low monotone voice as he entered the classroom.

"I will be moving students to new tables that aline with their abilities." Snape continued

"Malfoy, Zabini over with Miss Lovegood." Snape ordered after that I stopped listening, I was too tired to pay attention.

"There goes my peace." I mumbled under my breath

The boys made their way over to my table and put their belongings down.

"I don't believe we've met, Blaise." Blaise held his hand out for me to shake.

"Lilla." I replied shaking his hand.

"Pretty name, do you know where your parents got it from?" He inquired.

"It's Italian, it means lily flower - they were my mother's favourite."

"Wow." He replied turning his attention back to Snape.

"You will find the instructions on page 63 of your books, get started." He finished. I didn't bother opening my book I knew what I needed. I grabbed my cauldron and the ingredients; bezoar, standard ingredient, unicorn horn and four mistletoe berries.

"Isn't that too many berries?" Draco questioned.

"If you are going by the book yes." I replied walking off. Once I got back to the table I started brewing my potion with no regard to the instructions I knew how to brew this potion, I had to brew it a few years back for my owl because my idiot of a brother somehow accidentally spilled poison in her water. I don't know how he managed to do that but whatever.

As I began cutting my berries I was interrupted by Snape addressing the class.

"Oh and I forgot it mention class, the first student to succeed in making the antidote will not have to do tonight's homework." Everyone's eyes looked as though a million galleons were on offer, but I guess for Snape a pass for homework was just as rare.

I added the berries to the potion and now all I had to do was wait.

"Wasn't that a few too many berries?" Blaise inquired.

"Yes and no, depends hows quickly you want the potion to take." I stated. Looking back towards my potion I realised I it was complete. I shot my hand up to draw Snape's attention.

"I have finished professor."

"I highly doubt that, it takes 30 mins to make it has only been 15." Snape exclaimed, making his way over to me. As he checked my potion he raised his eyebrows.

"Miss Lovegood, it's perfect. How did you do that?" He asked in shock

"Uh." I asked, I didn't know what to say, I don't like being put on the spot like that.

"Damn your smart and beautiful." Blaise chuckled. Malfoy rolled his eyes at the comment.

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