Chapter 7 - Free

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Lilla's POV

Draco took my hand and lead me through Hogwarts until we reached the black lake.

"Draco it's almost curfew." I insisted.


"We shouldn't be out here."

"This is an emergency."

"I'm pretty sure you can teach me how to fly tomorrow."

"Nope." He finished, we walked up to a tree having a broom leant against it.

"How on earth is there a broom here, you only found out that I could fly like 2 minutes ago?"

"It's my broom, I often go for late night rides to clear my mind." He stated

"Ok, do you atleast know how to ride a broom?"

"Yes, I just haven't wanted to."

"That's good, do you want me to come with you?"

"Definitely, I am not doing it alone- I might die."

"You won't die sweetie." He said as we both mounted the broom.  He reached his arms around me placing his hands just behind mine. We take off soaring into the sky. Why haven't I tired this before.

"The view is amazing up here." I said instinctively leaning back into Draco's arms. I can't believe how beautiful the castle is.

"How do you feel?"

"Free." I responded.

Draco's POV

The feeling of her in my arms is one I've found myself craving. She makes me feel home, like she is where I belong. She is not who I imagined falling for but I love her. She is beautiful. She is all I need, if only she wanted me like I want her. I took a deep breath in,  drawing in her subtle yet distinct scent.

"Okay, I saw that yawn let's get you to bed sweetheart," I said flying us back towards Hogwarts. I walked her back to the Ravenclaw common room before leaving her for the dungeons.

"Good night Lilla." I said walking away

"Good night Draco." She replied.

I finally reached the Slytherin common room still with a smile on my face, I couldn't contain myself she made me happy- even doing something as simple as studying with her made me excited. I don't know how she does this to me.

"Where have you been, and why are you so happy?" I heard someone ask making me snap out of my fantasy. It was Blaise.

"I was busy." I replied plainly not wanting to give away details.

"Come on tell me something." He persisted., I sat down on the couch across from him

"Fine, I went for a fly."

"You usually don't take that long though, it's two hours past curfew."

"Seriously?" I asked not believing him.

"You were with a girl weren't you." He questioned.

"How'd you know."

"When else do you genuinely smile?" He smirked .

"So who's the lucky girl?" He insisted.

"Nope you don't get that." He frowned not liking that answer.

"You're so annoying, at least tell me how long it's been going on."

"We aren't together or anything just friends."

"For now, how long."

"September." I replied, reminiscing of when I first saw her at Diagon Alley.

Lilla's POV

This is exactly why I don't use my skills of legitimacy. I lay in my bed thinking of what I had heard.

'She makes me feel home, like she is where I belong. She is not who I imagined falling for but I love her. She is beautiful. She is all I need, if only she wanted me like I want her.'

Was Draco thinking about me? Has he liked me all this time? He couldn't have, we are just friends right? How did I not pick up on it? Do I like him?
So many questions running through my mind. When I'm around him I feel secure and safe, I feel loved like I can say anything and he wouldn't judge me. That's what friends are like to right? I think about Harry and Ron, any how I feel around them versus how I feel about Draco.

I feel different around him, it's a new feeling it's happiness but different. Is this love?

I sat up in my bed, this is why he is nice to me, this is why he spends so much time with me, this is why he calls me sweetie - then it hit.

Oh my god Draco Malfoy likes me.

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