Chapter 20 - Dark now

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It was the day before Christmas break and for some reason I was summoned by Umbridge.

"Please sit Ms. Lovegood." Umbridge stated. I followed her orders and sat opposite to her in her office. My eyes burnt from the overload of pink in the room.

"Tea dear?" I nodded, god I love tea. She passed me the cup of tea she just poured, I immediately started sitting it.

"As you know Ms. Lovegood students are being questioned."


"I believe it is your turn." She started. I was lucky I didn't join Harry when he offered.

"Do you have any knowledge of any elicit activities?"

"No." The word was forced out of my mouth.

"Has Harry or anyone else mentioned anything that may be against said rules?" She continued.

"Harry asked me to join some group about a month ago, I declined." The words spilled out of my mouth, I did not mean to say that.

"What group?"

"Something about defending ourselves, I don't know anymore professor." The words kept prying themselves out of my mouth.

I was confused until I realised.

"Veritaserum, isn't that illegal to use on students?" I asked very well knowing the answer.

"You're a smart girl." Was all she said before I was dismissed.


5th year went so fast yet so slow. The school was divided Harry against Umbridge, the ministry against Dumbledore. Turns out like I had believed Harry was right, Voldemort had returned. Harry and some other members of Harry's little group had fought some death  eaters who were trying to retrieve a prophecy for Voldemort. One of those death eaters happened to be Draco's father who is now in Azkaban. 

Our relationship has been good all year, he may treat everyone else differently but he tears me like a princess. I cannot wait to return to Hogwarts for 6th year, I know things will be different now but it's still much home.

Draco's POV

My first thought was Lilla. What is she going to think of me. My arm continues to burn, it's been a week since the mark was placed on my arm, just the sight of it makes me feel sick.

I hate my father, I hate him for this. He is a coward, forcing me into this life.

How am I meant to kill Dumbledore, he is one of the strongest wizards of all time? But I have to do this, or he will kill me, kill my mother. Father can die for all I care but not my mother.

I need to end it with Lilla, for her own sake.

Oblivious - Draco MalfoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang