Chapter 5 - Compatable

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Lilla's POV

I reached the Astro my tower and for some reason Professor Sinistra still wasn't there. I was 20 minutes late for gods sake. I went to find a seat and thank god Hermione saved me a seat because the only other seat left was next to Blaise and I didn't want to deal with that right now.

"Why did Malfoy come in right behind you?" Hermione questioned almost angrily.

"Huh, I don't know. " I replied, she had caught me off guard. At that moment Professor Sinistra ran into the room.

"Apologies for being late long story, anyway let's get on with it." She said addressing the class.

"Today I will be pairing you up according to your star signs, but first who can tell me the general rule for star sign compatibility?" She asked looking around the room, as I expected Hermione's hand shot straight up.

"Yes, Miss Granger."

"One is most compatible with those with signs of the same element." She exclaimed enthusiastically. How on earth did she have that much energy at 12:30 in the morning?

"Correct, one more bit I'm looking for though."

"Earth and water signs are compatible along with fire and air." I responded.

"Thank you Miss Lovegood, now in saying that I have paired you up with a compatible partner based on your element."

"The pairings are, Mr Weasley and Miss Granger, Miss Lovegood and Mr Malfoy..." she continued on until everyone had a partner.

All the students shuffled around until we were all sitting with our partners.

"I'm a Gemini, you" Draco asked which made me jump.

"Sorryy." He mumbled


"Oh, really when's your birthday?" He asked curiously.

"December 14th, you."

"June 5th." He replied. The professor continued,

"Students you have until Christmas break to finish the following assignment; in pairs you are to pick a star and write a full analysis on it, its habits its origins etc."She finished.


Finally the class was over. I was so tired I don't know how I'm going to stay awake while watching the first task tomorrow, I wish I could just sleep in, but I promised Harry that I would go and watch him compete.

As I was walking back to my common room someone grabbed my arm, i turned to see silver eyes glistening in the moonlight. I don't know what came over me but I couldn't break the eye contact, something about his eyes made me feel like I was going to melt.

"Lilla, I was wondering do you want to meet in the library tomorrow after dinner to work on the assignment." He asked almost nervously.

"We have been studying together every night for weeks Draco, of course." I replied

Draco's POV

Merlin, I love it when she says my name, her voice so angelic I love it. I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm falling for her.  This is a feeling that I've never felt, I was starting to believe that love didn't exist.

I can't be, can I? After all the time I've spent with her recently I think I might be. I have to admit it, I can't live my life in denial. I, Draco Malfoy love Lilla Lovegood.

Lilla's POV

"Yea, I didn't know if you had plans with Potter after the tournament tomorrow that's all. He replied snapping out of a deep thought, I would have usually questioned this, but I am way to tired.

"No I don't, see you tomorrow; good night." I said walking away from him.

"Good night sweetheart."

I finally made it back to my dorm, I flopped down onto my bed, seconds away from falling asleep then it snapped. Draco called me sweetheart. It must have been habit, surely he didn't mean it. I mean Draco Malfoy the bold Slytherin bully, liking me a shy little Ravenclaw. Impossible.

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