Chapter 14 - Stuck

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Lilla's POV

I walked out of potions and decided that I would go to dinner, even if I I didn't eat just being outside of my dorm should be good for me.

Luckily when I got to the great hall the trio was already there.

"Hey." I said at almost a whisper as I sat down next to Ron.

"Lilla, thank god we've been so worried about you." Hermione rushed out of her mouth, Harry and Ron looked at me with sympathy. Dinner was just like I remembered some general conversation, some nice food and a friendly atmosphere. I didn't eat much, I mainly just picked at a bread roll. Just before I was about to leave Hermione spoke to me.

"Lilla, I know this must be hard, but you can't neglect yourself, you are skinny enough as it is please eat something more." Tears developed in my eyes, this wasn't what I wanted to talk about.

"There's no point." I replied getting up and heading for my dorm.

Once I reached my dorm I ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I stripped and got into the shower turning the hot tap on full blasting. I stood under the scolding water crying hysterically; the water was burning me yet I liked it. It took away the grief I was feeling. Why was I like this? I got out of the shower, getting dressed which was incredibly painful on my newly burnt skin. From my ribs to my knees my skin was red and raw.

I slid down the wall onto the floor, I rummaged through the pile of clothes reaching into the pockets of my robes- grabbing out my knife.

I ran the blade over my wrist horizontally, it stung the pain was different to the burns yet it gave the same effect. Relief.

Scars up my arms, blisters on my torso and tights. I sat against the wall in tears in my eyes, blood on my arms. I was so hot yet I was shivering, I felt lifeless - was I dying?

I grabbed my robes putting them on and covering every inch of my body. I curled into a ball on the floor sobbing. I was conscious yet completely out of it.

"Lilla? Lilla? Are you okay?" I heard from the other side of the door; it was Cho. She could her my cries. I couldn't respond, I couldn't even move I felt stuck in a lifeless body.

"I'm getting Luna, don't move." I heard Cho say.

"Alohomora." I heard Luna whisper. She opened the door gasping at the sight.

"Lilla what happened, are you okay?"

"Get him." I wimpered.

"Who?" Luna questioned.

"D-Draco, get Draco." I felt so bad I had been practically ignoring him all week.

Luna's POV

I left Cho in the dorm telling her I'd be back. I had to find him, luckily I knew where he would be. I rushed to the library, tears ruing down my cheek. I turned the corner and there he was in their normal spot looking grim.

"Draco, come now!" I demanded.

"Huh." He looked up at me confused.

"It's Lilla, now hurry." I said turning around heading for the exit, I heard him follow behind me swiftly.

"What happened to her?" He asked while we walked through the halls.

"I don't completely know." He nodded.

We entered the Ravenclaw common room and I snuck him up to her dorm, thank god no one saw him. I entered the dorm ahead of him.

"Do not tell anyone." I warned Cho signalling for Draco to enter. Cho gasped in shock as I led him toward the bathroom opening the door. He cried at the sight of her, running over to hold her in his arms.

"Sweetie what happened?" He asked as she buried her head into his chest sobbing harder.

"How long has this been happening?" Cho asked me referring to their relationship.

"Since the ball." I said truthfully.

Draco's POV

I walked into her dorm Luna lead me to the bathroom. I walked in and was her a sobbing mess on the floor shaking. My instincts kicked in, I ran to her side cradling her in my arms.

"Sweetie what happened?"

"I'm sorry" she replied.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"I haven't spoken to you all week."

"Sweetheart, that's the least of my concerns right now, are you okay?" I asked cupped her face making her look me in the eyes.

"I am now."

"Aren't you hot? How bout we take your robes off."

"NO." She said defensively. We sat there, her in my arms for about 20 minutes before she started to calm down and drift off to sleep. I gently shook her so I could take her to bed.

"Lilla, I'm going to take you to bed, ok?" She nodded leaning into the crook of my neck. I picked her up and carried her to her bed. I put her down carefully kissing her forehead before turning to leave.

"Stay with me." She murmured reaching for me hand.

"I would if I could, you know that." She huffed, grabbing my hand tighter, she wanted me to stay.

"How bout this, we can stay in the room if requirement together tomorrow night."

"Ok." She replied letting go of my hand. I gave her one last kiss then went to leave. As I turned away my arm brushed against hers and she winced in pain.

"I'm sorry, did I do something?" I questioned. She shook her head and I left.

I walked the halls her not leaving my mind. I have been so worried about her this past week; I have barely slept. 

I continued through the halls a million questions running through my mind. What happened to her? Why was she so defensive about her robes? Why did her arm hurt?

When I finally had made my way back to the common room I had tears in my eyes. I entered the common room expecting it to be empty but instead I was faced with Blaise, as soon as I saw he was there I wiped my tears away not wanting him to see me cry but it was too late- he had already seen me.

"A Malfoy crying, that a rare sight." He chuckled. I gave him a look.

"Not the time Blaise."

"Sorry, are you ok bud?" He questioned turning serious.

"I was just with Lilla." I replied flopping down on the couch beside him.

"Oh, how is she?"

"Honestly not great."

Oblivious - Draco MalfoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora