Chapter 2 - Library

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Lilla's POV

I am happy that I got into Ravenclaw, a part of me feels like it's my way of honouring my parents. Last night, before curfew Luna showed me around the castle so i at least know where my classes are, she also showed me the common room and my dorm. She is in the year under me so she isn't in my dorm but her dorm is right next to mine. I met the other girls in my dorm they're quite nice. I befriended Cho straight away though. She is definitely the best out of all of them.

Luna and I walk down to the great hall for breakfast and take a seat at our table. About half way through breakfast Ginny comes up to us.

"Hey, Lilla do you wanna come meet my brother and his friends, they are in your year?"

"Yea, sure; I will see you at lunch Luna." I say getting up from the table.

When we arrive at the Gryffindor table Ginny introduces me to everyone.

"Ok Lilla this is Harry, Ron and Hermione."

"Nice to meet you all." I say trying to make a good impression.

"Bloody hell, are you sure she isn't our sister Ginny." Ron asks.

"Ronald don't be rude," Hermione lectures "Nice to meet you Lilla, what class do you have first?"

"Uh Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"Ah good so do we."


I had been at Hogwarts for a few weeks now and I had settled in. Since I got here a lot has happened. Dumbledore announced that Hogwarts would be hosting the Triwizards tournament, only one student from each school could compete and only students aged 17 or over could enter. The three participating schools were Hogwarts, Durmstrang and my old school, Beauxbatons.
After all of the champions had been announced another names came out of the goblet. Harry Potter.


After having dinner I went to the library to finish my potions essay. Out of all my professors my potions professor; Snape gave out the most homework. 

I sat down in the back corner of the library at a small round table. After about 5 mins I realised  Malfoy sit just a few tables away from me. I didn't quite know what to make of him anymore, he was always nice to me when I ran into him, but he was a complete ass to everyone else. I continued on essay for another 20 mins until I was disturbed.

"Working on the potions essay?" I looked up to see Malfoy

"Yea." I replied, continuing on my essay.

"Have you finished yet?"

"Not yet, almost though, why?"

"I'm stuck, can you help me please?"

"Aren't you top of the class?"

"Yea, but probably not for long now that you're here." I blushed slightly at this comment, but I didn't let him see that.

"Very flattering Malfoy, sure I'll help you." He took a seat next to me and we finished both our essays within 40mins.

"Thanks for the help Lilla."

"Of course."I replied confused by the blonde boy.

"I heard Professor Moody turned you into a ferret today." I said gathering my books.

"Please don't remind me." He said putting his head in his hands.

"Okay, goodnight Draco." I chuckled as I got up and walked back to the common room.

On my way back I wondered why on earth would Draco be talking to me, he speaks to everyone like they are below him yet I've known him for less that a month and he talks to me like a normal person. Weird.

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