Chapter 10 - Confused

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Lilla's POV

I was frozen, what just happened? Draco Malfoy just kissed me. I got up quickly head in my hands pacing in small circles.

"Lilla, are you ok?" He asked, this was probably not the reaction he had hoped for.

"I'm fine,just confused." I replied rushing my words.


"You kissed me!" I stated looking back at him.

"I did do that." He replied quite proudly.

"And why did you do that?"

"Because I like you?" He answered standing up with me.

"Draco Malfoy likes me?"


"This is very confusing."

"What's there to be confused about?"

"Everything, one somehow the Slytherin Prince likes me, two every time I see you my insides go all funny and panicky and three YOU KISSED ME and I don't know what to do."

"I get that fuzzy feeling when I see you too, that's called love sweetheart."

"Oh... well I guess that means that I like you too."

"Good." He replied simply kissing my lips again, this time it was different though, I kissed him back.

When our lips parted I saw him smile, a true smile- which is not something you see often out of a Malfoy.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" Draco questioned.

"Yea, do you want to meet up somewhere?"

"Our usual spot in the library after dinner?"

"Sure. "


The next morning Luna and I sat with Hermione for breakfast at the Gryffindor table.

"Enough about me, how was your night Lilla?" She questioned, I didn't know what to say.

"It was pretty good." The conversation continued after a while I zoned out letting Hermione and Luna talk. I was getting bored so I decided to pry a bit

"Legilimens." There were so many thoughts in Draco's head it was making me dizzy, most of them were regarding last night.

"Your thoughts are loud, they're making me dizzy." His head perked up immediately.


"That's my name." I smirked looking across the room at his silver eyes.

"Stop prying." He thought.

"Make me." I told him knowing very well that he didn't yet know occulemency.


After dinner like agreed Draco and I met in the library, we sat in our usual spot next to each other. We weren't studying or reading unlike the other times; we are just enjoying each other's company.

"I thought I would find you here." We turned to see Blaise looking at us.

"Legilimens." I cast while Draco and Blaise were still in a conversation.

"Look at these two lovebirds, and I thought I had a chance."

"First of all Zabini we aren't lovebirds and you never had a chance to begin with." I spoke up catching both of them off guard.

"How. Wha." Blaise muttered.

"Who said we weren't lovebirds?" Draco smirked. I slapped his side- now was not the time.

"Ow." Draco complained.

"You know legitimency?"

"Yea, now don't tell anyone."

"About the legitimency or about this?" He gestured between Draco and I.


"Why were you looking for me in the first place?" Draco questioned.

"Pansy, she is over you now she is onto me- I had to get out of there quickly." We all chuckled, Blaise was half ok when he wasn't flirting with me.

"So how did you convince Malfoy to date you, he has rejected almost every other girl in the school?" Blaise asked focusing on me.

"I think it was the other way around actually, he had to convince me."

"What?" He turned looking at Draco for reassurance.

"It's true." Draco said with an amused look on his face.


Months had pasted it was now the beginning of May. Harry had completed the seconds task of the tournament and was preparing for the last. Draco and I were as close as ever, we still met every night in the library to study and catch up, occasionally we met in the room of requirement where it was a bit more private. No one knew about us except Luna and Blaise, although I think Hermione is a bit suspicious when I disappear randomly throughout the day.

Draco and I both hd a free period so he decided to take me on a mini date by the black lake. He grasped my hand tightly as we walked down towards the lake. As we got closer a picnic came into view.

"Surprise." He whispered kissing my cheek. We sat by the lake eating lunch and giggling like little school girls. I laid down beside him; out fingers intertwined.

"When do you think we should start telling people?" Draco questioned still looking at the clouds above us.

"I didn't think you wanted people to know?" I answered.

"I don't know, I think it would be nice to walk around holding your hand." He shrugged.

"You can tell anyone when you want to, I'm perfectly fine keeping to ourselves, it keeps everything private and between us." I replied looking towards him. He looked my way mouthed "Thank you" before embracing my waist and pulling into a deep kiss. The feeling never got old, it was euphoric, like fireworks were going off on my heart every time I kissed him. The kiss was delicate yet rough; with so much passion and desire.

"I am very sorry to interrupt what seemed like an amazing make out session but Lilla you need to go the hospital wing now." Blaise said.

"What happened?" Draco questioned him, helping me up.

"Accident in potions, Leo isn't doing well." As soon as I heard his name I rushed back to the castle preparing for the worse.

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