"We know she was hit," Chaewon shrugged, "She won't tell us anything else."

He nodded, "Do you think I should crash at a hotel tonight? I don't want her freaking out because I'm here."

As much as she really didn't want to leave, maybe that was for the best. She just shrugged and sat back down, burying her face into her knees. He placed a hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle breeze before gathering his stuff and leaving. Eventually Eunchae went quiet and ten minutes after that Suzy came back into the living room.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you." Suzy sighed, sitting on the floor with her back against the couch. "You were just going to scare her more. From what you told me about her past, you can't be acting like that in front of her."

"I know. I shouldn't have done that."

"Mhm." Suzy reached over and wrapped her arms around Chaewon, "She's asleep now. I read to her and she passed out. The dogs are with her too."

"Okay." It took everything Chaewon had not just to break down right then and there. She wasn't even mad anymore, just concerned. She fucked up, she fucked up so bad.

Suzy didn't say anything, instead just rubbed a hand up and down Chaewon's back. It was comforting, they had been living together long enough to know when Chaewon just needed to be quiet.

Later her mother went to sleep but Chaewon stood up, sitting at the kitchen table staring at her phone. Where was Yunjin, it was almost two am. She should have come home by now. Did something happen to her? She shouldn't be out at this time it's dangerous. Her phone buzzed.


Yunjin's at my place and she's asleep. She had a panic attack so I don't know if she's going to want to stay over tomorrow too. You're fucking lucky she's soft, if you ever talked to me like that I would have dumped you on the spot.



Can I come over?? I need to apologize. We need to talk~

[2:21 AM]


Did you completely ignore my text? She's asleep, she's upset. Give her some space. She wants to talk too. I'll try to see if she wants to go home tomorrow.

[2:22 AM]

It made her feel a bit better to know she was okay. Why would she do that? She messed up. She was just so frustrated with her, it came bubbling out all at once. She needed to make this right.


Yunjin came home at noon the next day. It wasn't anything spectacular, she literally just walked into the living room and sat down next to Chaewon on the couch not saying a word. Eunchae was at school, and her parents had gone out to do something (Chaewon was just sure they wanted to give her time to think).

"I was at Sakura's." Yunjin was the first one to speak, surprising both of them. She just sounded tired.

Chaewon nodded. "She texted me."


An awkward quiet fell over the two of them

"I'm sorry." Chaewon hummed.

"I'm sorry too." Yunjin dipped her head, "I didn't know you felt that way. I'm sorry."

"I should be the one apologizing, I was way over the line." It would be a lie if Yunjin didn't agree. What Chaewon said hurt. Honestly Yunjin wasn't sure if she even wanted to come home today because of it. You don't have anyone to come. That was just cruel and unneeded. She knew Yunjin was still really hurt by everything.

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