Chapter 12

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"What're you doing?"

"Jesus Christ!" Yunjin jumped a mile, whipping around to see Sakura's face inches away from her own, peering over her shoulder and at the file in her hands. Usually, Yunjin going over evidence and files was normal, but this file was blue not the homicide units royal purple: family affairs. It took no effort to walk down there and retrieve a copy of Eunchae's case files, reading over the police report taken that night. There were a few details that Momo had left out what she told her, maybe just to spare her the heartache. Eunchae definitely was sleeping in a suitcase, there were no questions about it. That may be explained why she didn't like to sleep in her own bed, she wasn't used to it, and it was probably reassuring to have someone right next to her. Eunchae had three outfits, none suited for the winter weather they were coming out from. The only thing in the fridge was alcohol and a few things of rotten food. Further down it detailed the names that were arrested, Hong Eunjung, the mother. Only 22 years old, moved from Japan three years prior apparently with the promise of work, got addicted, and ended up in the situation she was in now. Charged with drug possession, prostitution, child abuse, child neglect, endangerment of a minor, battery, resisting arrest. The list was pretty lengthy, and she was definitely going away on at least two of the charges. Yunjin would make sure she went away on all of them, even the fact that she could get acquitted of any of the charges sent a shiver of rage down her spine. Sana let her finger linger on the mugshot of the woman, she was extremely pretty, a spitting image of an older Eunchae, with big doe eyes and pouty triangle-shaped lips, tired and scared looking at the camera. Yunjin tried to memorize that face.

There was one more name in the report, Lee Jiho. The man Eunjung was apparently was as Eunchae would put it, helping, when the police got there. 29, charged with drug possession, and disorderly conduct. There was something about him that just struck Yunjin as odd, smirking in his mugshot, smug with messy dark hair and snakelike eyes. He was released on bail five hours after his arrest, oh yeah, he came from money. Yunjin had that gut feeling that he was her key to getting all of them. All of the bad guys, because she and Scooby had promised.

"This isn't you're case." Sakura mused taking a seat on Yunjin's desk, eyeing her with suspicion laced eyes, "You're homicide, not family affairs."

"It's Eunchae's."

"Oh." Sakura took a lollipop from her pocket, popping it into her mouth, "Need a second opinion on anything then?"

"I brought her to a therapist the other day," Yunjin admitted suddenly, closing the file looking up at Sakura, "She opened up about her old home and- It's bad. She's hurting, a lot." It felt like she was telling the truth after a large lie, ashamed and a bit stung out. Maybe she should have consulted Sakura before making the decision or told her about what was going on earlier.

The older detective just cocked an eyebrow, squinting her eyes at Yunjin's behavior, "Okay, thank you for taking her to do that."

"Appointments are on Thursdays at four-thirty."

"Okay," Sakura reached in to take another candy out of her pocket, reaching it out to offer it to Yunjin, "Are you okay? You're acting off. Should I contact employee services for you again? I know it's getting near Eunha-"

"I told you not to bring that up." Yunjin snapped, surprising even herself with how aggressive she sounded. Sakura didn't even seem phased, just giving her a sad look. Was Yunjin okay? Currently, no. She felt stressed beyond belief between work, Eunchae, Chaewon. She hadn't talked to her since she left on Friday, so two days. Chaewon had called to her, Yunjin had screened it. Maybe it was because it was getting close to that day again. No, Yunjin was over that, it's been three years already.

"I'll let this go, but Yunjin I'm telling you if you start acting up again I'm calling them and you're going to start treatment again. I mean it." Sakura did. Voice calm and steady, but Yunjin could hear the concern dripping from it.

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