Chapter 48

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In a way their first fight was way overdue.

Chaewon supposes the honeymoon period has worn off. Her constant annoyance with Yunjin the past five days should have been a glaring warning sign of that. Sure they had little disagreements, but they usually were able to resolve it before it turned into a full fledged argument. They came close, that day Eunchae got sick, and when Yunjin was shot, but always found a way to diffuse the situation and let it go. It would be foolish of her to believe they wouldn't fight, all couples did it. Her parents, who love each other very very dearly, had a few screaming matches throughout her childhood, she had arguments with some of her ex-girlfriends, but for some reason she couldn't imagine fighting with Yunjin

Maybe it was just the detective's relaxed disposition, or her pretty much unwillingness to feed into Chaewon's anger when they disagreed, but she couldn't imagine it. Well, that was until now because Yunjin was really, really starting to get on her nerves. Chaewon just assumed after New Years they would do what they always did, either forget about it or talk about it the next day and apologize for being upset. But Yunjin had taken to avoiding her the next day, she even sat in the backseat with Eunchae on the way home. And when Chaewon told her she booked the venue and made a down payment, the detective had started avoiding her like the plague.

It was really starting to piss Chaewon off.

To be honest she's been feeling mildly annoyed at Yunjin ever since she got shot. It wasn't more air the fact she got shot, it was because she was so reckless. Chaewon was constantly jumping through hoops and really putting herself out there to try and hold everything together, and sometimes it just felt like Yunjin didn't care. Yunjin gets shot, Chaewon has to clean and replace her bandages every night, clean, make dinner, pick Eunchae up. While she didn't mind, it was easy to feel like she wasn't really being appreciated for everything she did. Plus Yunjin was just so guarded, she really, really, tried her best to be understanding, try to sympathize with her but Yunjin continuously would keep things from her or hide how she was feeling. She could only try to be so understanding.

If her parents realized the change in mood, they didn't say anything. They both really liked Yunjin and Eunchae, welcoming them into the family with open arms and heart. Both girls started to really accept it and offer the same back to them. Yunjin and her Mom has become really good buddies ever since their talk on the couch, and Eunchae and her dad had become almost inseparable. And as much as she loved every second of it, she couldn't help it get tainted with something ugly that festered in her belly and begged to be unleashed. This constant annoyance from literally anything Yunjin did. She was pretty sure Yunjin felt the same well as well.

It was just a matter of time before one of them was pushed over the edge.

Kazuha really meant well, she really, really did. She walked into Chaewon's office with a smile, placing a gift down on her desk. Stopping her paperwork, Chaewon looked up and eyes the gift before looking up at Kazuha, "Huh?"

"Can you give that to Yunjin for me? I didn't have time to stop by and I don't know when I'm going to be able to, especially when Sakura goes back to work." Kazuha smiled, "It's not much, but-"

Chaewon figures she must have just forgotten to give it when they exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve. Yunjin had accidentally forgotten to give them a bottle of baby lotion she had bought, and with the chaos of the babies one present getting lost wasn't unfathomablr.

"Oh yeah, of course," Chaewon shrugged. It was a cute little bag, a dark blue with pink Happy Birthday printed over and over. It had matching pink tissue paper coming out the top, and- wait. Happy birthday? "Wait? Is this for Christmas?"

Talking to the moonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ