Chapter 47: Auction House (part 2)

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"We...." Sharon's voice trembled. The group turns to face her. Her expression then changes to one filled brim with determination, "We will buy that slave!"

Announcer: New bid! At 1,200,000 coins! Is there anyone else that is willing to go higher than that?!

Sharon falls to her backseat in defeat as she feels her spirit being crushed.

"It's no use...They're too rich..." She says, pitifully repeating the same words as Victor.

A look of guilt forms on Queenie's face. If she wanted to, she could easily buy out the entire stock the auction house had to offer; including that slave. Aware that Sharon made that statement with good intention, she felt bad not being able to make it possible for them. But this was all for the better. The sooner they realize her worth for the group has been spent, the easier it would be for her to discharge herself from the guild...And she had already fed them the lie of expending all of her riches; there was no turning back.

The next item gets brought out, a crude, white rocky stone piece formed in the shape of a distorted seashell with a cavity in the middle of it gets carted out.

Announcer: This here is a mysterious artifact that was dug out by miners near the Great Crevasse! Some appraisers say they can hear a cryptic sound coming from it! A one of a kind item perfect for collectors! We will begin with a price of 30,000 coins!

Tatsuo's ears twitch. A soothing sound lulls Tatsuo in. A warm, nostalgic feeling wells up inside him, bringing him comfort.

Victor: Oh hey, that's something we could actually afford. It's the lowest thing we've seen so far.

Darren: Too bad it seems useless. It's probably why it's being bid so low compared to the other stuff.

Victor: You say that, but there's people bidding on the thing - Various bidders continue raising the price one after another, with the current bid being at 75,000 coins.

Darren: Probably collectors. I mean, just now you were eyeing that expensive gauntlet right?

Victor: ....True.

Tatsuo raises his number, "100,000 coins".

The group stares at Tatsuo dumbfounded.

Announcer: SOLD! To the young lad with number 88!

The group continues to stare at Tatsuo in sheer confusion.

Darren: Woah...I wasn't expecting that...Until now, you seemed pretty uninterested...

Sharon: Yea...I figured If he was going to get anything at all, it'd be for something like some sort of expensive piece of food...

"TATSUO!!!" - Victor cries as he shakes Tatsuo by his collar. "How could you just throw 100,000 coins at something like that??!!!"

Sharon: I agree...It does seem pretty useless...But to be fair, it was mainly Tatsuo that earned us most of our money so...

Victor: But now we for sure won't have enough for whatever else will come out! What if there's another cool gauntlet, or magic weapon?!

"We probably wouldn't have enough for those anyways..." - Darren says on the side.

"The sound". Tatsuo says as everyone looks back at him.

Tatsuo: I really liked the sound coming from it. It soothes me.

Once again, the group looks at Tatsuo confused.

Victor: Huh? Was there noise coming from that thing? I didn't hear anything.

Queenie: The announcer did mention about a supposed "cryptic" sound emanating from it.

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