Chapter 5: A Slimy Opportunity

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*A week ago...

An alarm is blaring in a research lab. The dim corridors fade in and out between different saturations of red. Numerous personnels dressed in white lab coats scramble about in sterilized hallways, running amok in a fervent search inside an intricate facility.

Random Scientist: Damn! Where could it have gone?

A lab worker enters a room with what looks to be an observation center with multiple other lab workers feverishly working at several button panel stations. In front is a transparent glass panel where various test subjects are being observed. Something appears to have broken loose from one of the test tubes.

"Find the test subject!" One of the scientists urgently yells with a hint of dread.

"Don't let it get away!"


*Back to the present in Pillberry.

Tatsuo, Sharon and Victor are sitting against a corner of a gloomy alley like a crew of outcasts.

"Aw man...This sucks...we're almost out of money..." Sharon groaned glumly with a piece of bread in her mouth.

"Why does Victor get to have food but I don't...?" Tatsuo whined with the sound of his stomach grumbling, which only enticed Sharon to grow more irritated.

"Shut up! Who's the one that wasted all our money??!! Victor has been using his restaurant money to provide food and shelter for us!!!" Sharon snapped back to Tatsuo.

Sharon turns to Victor. "I'm sorry Victor, you could've just used your money to get a map and left us here..."

Victor: Well...Like I said....I'd feel bad if I left you guys just like this...

Tatsuo: But now we're almost out of cash, what should we do...?

A moment of silence passes as the group tries to come up with any sort of solution, until Victor finally speaks up with a suggestion.

Victor: I've been thinking. We're now a guild right? Why don't we make some use of that? We can try to pick up some jobs at the guild hub or something.

Sharon perks up – "You're right! Great idea Victor!"


*At the guild hub.

The group takes the time browsing through the available quests on the quest boards, but are failing to find anything substantial.

Tatsuo: None of these sounds exciting...

"For real..." Sharon said in agreement with her head drawn near the wooden quest board in front of her, skimming through its contents again. "I know this is Irene, but there's gotta be at least one dungeon that seems worthwhile to do here...Most of the requests posted here are just asking us to do menial mundane tasks... And the rewards aren't great either..."

At the corner of Victor's eyes, one of the quests catches his attention.

Victor: Hey guys. How about we try to go for this one?

Tatsuo and Sharon slide their bodies close to Victor. He points to a picture of a slime wanted alive for $1,000,000,000.

Sharon: Huh??!! Am I seeing things...??!! There's no way this is real...! It's gotta be a scam of some sort...!

Victor carefully reviews the quest paper – "But it's got the ARS Army insignia on it though..."


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