Chapter 22.1: A Lonely Street (EXTRA)

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Bodies of unconscious guards are scattered across the floor of Argonaut's street, with Malone panting in the middle of the scene.

Malone (thinking): this one...Was no good either....

Malone (thinking): This is frustrating...! I'm getting nowhere trying to get anything out of these guys...! I have to hurry...!

Malone treads on further into the streets.

Meanwhile, Tatsuo, Sharon, and Darren are out and about in the street, exploring the late night of Argonaut.

Tatsuo: Wooaah~!!!

The three of them hold a small chimney-shaped waffle with silky smoke billowing out from it.

Tatsuo: This is so cool~!!! – He exclaims admiring the dessert they've just bought.

Sharon: It's the first time I've ever seen or eaten anything that looks like this!

Tatsuo: Me too!

Sharon: Steamy cream was what they called this? It's like I'm eating steam, but it's sweet! Visually it just looks like steam but the texture feels like I'm somehow eating something cold and creamy!

Darren: Yeah, I have no idea how they do it, it's one of Argonaut's signature desserts. I thought you guys would want to try it.

Tatsuo eats the waffle crust: The holder is edible too! It tastes like sweet dough! And it's very soft!

Darren: lemme show you two something neat.

Sharon and Tatsuo: ?

Darren chomps onto a puff of steam wafting in front of his face. He proceeds to blow steam out of his mouth; as if a kid blowing bubbles.

Sharon and Tatsuo: ?!

Sharon: What the heck!?

Darren: Cool yeah? I saw some kids doing it the first time I came here. With this dessert, you can literally play with your food.

Tatsuo (giddy): I want to try!

Tatsuo chomps onto a small floating puff of steam: !?

Tatsuo: Wow--! These small puffs of steam has taste to them as well...!

Darren: Yeah, you can actually taste and eat the lingering steam from the steamy cream. If you bite into the denser parts of the steamy cream, you can blow out more steam when you exhale.

Sharon takes a giant bite out of her steamy cream.

Sharon then proceeds to blow out a huge amount of steam from her mouth, where her vision is clouded by smoke.

Tatsuo: !!

Sharon: Wow, you're right! That's so cool!

Sharon blows some steam straight into Tatsuo's face without warning.

Tatsuo: !

Sharon: Raawwr! Ha! Ha! Who's the dragonman now Tatsuo! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Darren looks at the two, confused by Sharon's comment. 'Dragonman...?' – He thought to himself.

Tatsuo: Oh, you can even eat the steam coming out of your mouth too. – He says while slightly smacking his lips.

Sharon: !?

Sharon: Eeeeww~! Gross~! You ate that too? Why'd you even do that?

Tatsuo: I mean...You were the one that blew a bunch of steam straight into my face.

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