Chapter 23: It's Not Like I Did It For Myself...!

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San is leaned against a wall with his arms crossed. His finger begins tapping from the anxious wait. A door slides with Heymlir and two guards standing behind him present.

Heymlir: Ah, San. Sorry for making you wait. What did you urgently need to talk to me about?

San: I'm here for Jayce.

Heymlir: .....I figured as much...Did Punk Riot come to you?

San: No. But it's probably only a matter of time. I can imagine just how disorganized those guys are without their leader. – He lied in order to keep their cover safe for the time being.

San: Speaking of, I am curious how you managed to get Jayce to offer to help you.

Heymlir: Like I said, he only helped us so that he could try and get the core for himself. It was all a ruse.You know what kind of people Punk Riot is.

Again, San couldn't tell who was telling the truth. For how long he's known the mayor, Heymlir was always open to his people. It would make more logical sense for Punk Riot to be deceiving him. However, San also knew that if Punk Riot were to lie about something, it wouldn't be anything like this.

Heymlir: I'm sorry San, but Jayce and Punk Riot went too far this time...Please understand, they even took the lives of my men....

San: ......

San: So? What is the verdict on Jayce?

Heymlir: Jayce will be spending the rest of his life in this prison, nothing more, nothing less. He's a danger to this city. You probably might think that may be too much for him though... – He answers, remaining in his usual character perceived by San.

San: No...Perhaps that is for the best...

San: Can I see him? I just want to have a chat.

Heymlir pauses before giving an answer. Both are self aware of suspecting each other. However, there was no real reason to deny his request. Moreso, denying it would arouse more suspicions; this, Heymlir knows.


Heymlir escorts San to Jayce's prison cell. The door pops open with a creak, until it ends at an abrupt "clang!" Jayce lifts his head up, and is completely shocked to see San.

Jayce: San!?

Heymlir: leave these two be. – He says to the guards outside the cell.

Heymlir: With that, it'll just be you two. You may leave whenever you are ready.

San: Ah....thank you Heymlir...

Heymlir leaves the two to be alone, closing the cell door on the two. He and the remaining prison guards evict themselves out of the prison sector in courtesy of their privacy.

Jayce: San...There's something wrong with Heymlir...Something ain't right about him...!

San's eyebrow twitches, he looks at Jayce with disdain.

San: You know, your bois came to my place just recently, and they told me their side of the story of what happened. Don't worry, I won't do anything to them as long as they stay in my house. Though Hector did manage to get away.

San: Jayce...This isn't a joke...! If this is your way of covering what you and your bois did, it's better to confess now while you can...! If you can do that, I can try put in good words for you all and–

Jayce: What my bois told you is the truth!

Jayce: I don't know what you heard from Heymlir, but he's most likely lying to you! That guy's acting all kinds of sketchy!

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