Chapter 16: Scrapyard Fight

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Tatsuo: Hey, look. I found them. Told you I could find them with my smell...They've got some leftover traces of Victor on them.

Darren: Well...At least I didn't get dragged here for nothing.

Jayce stares silently to the side where his boi got launched. Hector is out cold with his head buried in scraps.

Jayce: Man, my mood... It just keeps getting shittier, and shittier.

He slides down from the scrap pile to where Tatsuo and Darren are and walks up to them.

Jayce: I'm impressed that Malone and Hector actually lost in a fight. But at the same time...

Jayce turns to Tatsuo and Darren with a livid expression: I'm really f*cking pissed.

"I don't know who you guys are, but I frankly don't–" – Before Jayce could finish his sentence, the thief takes the opportunity to flee by dashing away.

Jayce instantly notices this and pursues the thief by parkouring across the field of scraps; using the terrain to his advantage to catch up to the thief.

Jayce instantly notices this and pursues the thief by parkouring across the field of scraps; using the terrain to his advantage to catch up to the thief

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Having caught up with the thief, he runs along a warped steel beam, swiftly leaping off the end into the thief. Jayce kicks the thief mid-air but the thief defends himself with his leg.

Jayce taunts the thief, asking him where he was going. The two break up from each other, landing back on the ground. Tatsuo and Darren catch up and the three of them have Jayce surrounded.

Jayce smiles pleasingly: You're not escaping from me. None of you are.

Jayce: Let's fight. The three of you against me.

A bold declaration from Jayce. Darren anticipates that with Tatsuo, the fight will be a breeze, and to take on the three of them altogether is overkill.

Jayce lifts his head up confidently, "Come on, bring it."

Tatsuo and Darren make a run for Jayce while the thief dashes away in an attempt to leave again

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Tatsuo and Darren make a run for Jayce while the thief dashes away in an attempt to leave again.

Tatsuo and Darren surrounds Jayce. Tatsuo throws a punch and Darren sends a kick, but both get warded off by Jayce who leaps into the air, brushing both attacks away swiftly. He then sends both his legs flying out, kicking the two's head at the same time.

Jayce's face twitches; a sharp sensation stings from his foot that had kicked Tatsuo in the face.

Jayce grabs Darren by his leg and proceeds to toss him into a nearby pile of scraps. Various scrap objects are flung into the air upon Darren crashing.

Jayce runs up to a piece of brick that was flung in the air and kicks it towards the thief. The brick smacks the thief, disrupting his movement.

Jayce grabs the thief by his fur hoodie. " I thought I told you." – He says intimidatingly.

He flings the core stealer into the scraps on the ground and raises his fist, "You can't escape from me."

The core stealer does a spin kick in a break-dancing motion to break himself out of Jayce's grasp. Coming at his blindside, Darren zooms in the air with a kick. Jayce evades it by ducking and Darren crashes himself again.

Reevaluating the situation, the thief attacks Jayce in hopes that taking him down will be more effective than trying to escape from him.

The thief flings a kick to which Jayce parries by spinning his body and counter attacking with a flurry of swift, concise strikes: a combination of jabs and elbows between the head and body, followed by an uppercut.

The thief staggers back from the blows, his body heavily bruised up and his nose leaking with blood. Meanwhile, Darren has recovered and readies himself for another attack.

Darren launches himself towards Jayce and the thief regains his composure while Tatsuo advances on Jayce.

Together the three rushes Jayce in an all out assault, but it is futile as Jayce is able to read all their attacks and parry them: Tatsuo strikes from behind but Jayce ducks down while twisting his body to avoid Darren's kick. Before the thief can complete his attack, Jayce stops it with one of his hands by striking the thief's leg before it reaches full momentum.

Jayce then counters by kicking Darren away back into a pile of scraps to give himself more room, while Tatsuo and the thief rear themselves for another assault.

Instead of getting himself back up, Darren simply stares up into the sky in a daze. He sighs in his head with his mind dumbfounded at Jayce's overwhelming strength and reassessing the situation. He tilts his head forward, observing the fight.

Darren (thinking): He's actually taking on all three of us at the same time...!

Darren's head plops back down defeatedly.

Darren (thinking): Aaah~! I'm done with this....! I thought this would be a one-sided beat down with Tatsuo...I have no reason to be a part of this...!

Tatsuo throws a punch at Jayce. Jayce turns his body slightly and brushes the punch forward, turning Tatsuo's strength against himself making it easier for Jayce to trip Tatsuo, who Jayce deduced had a heavy body.

The thief comes in for an attack but Jayce successfully evades it by spinning in the air. Using the spin to his advantage, he kicks downward onto the thief's head, flinging it down.

Tatsuo begins his next action as Jayce falls in the air. Tatsuo lifts his leg. He kicks the rubble beneath Jayce throwing him off balance.

Seeing Jayce disrupted, the thief uses this opportunity to escape. With an explosive force, the thief shoots himself away from the scene, leaving behind a "ping" sound. This detail catches Darren's urgent attention.

Darren: ....Wait a minute...Was that...?

As the thief makes his escape, Darren suddenly appears before him.

Darren: You...Where did you learn that technique...?

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