Chapter 38: Rejection

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Fast forward some hours later, Punk Riot is in awe of the luxurious room, commenting how they've never been in such a room before and that they feel out of place.

Tatsuo checks up on Queenie to see if she was still inside the bathroom. Queenie emerges from the bathroom and Tatsuo asks if she was alright. Queenie pauses, but then puke begins to waterfall from her mouth.

A party starts. The Punk Riot members glamorize at the shiny neat furniture and abuse the room service function. The thought of simply calling for someone and they arrive to serve as a feature mind-boggled them. This led to complaints from the staff members, but all of it was easily waived with Queenie bribing them.

Sharon and Victor were reluctant at first, but they eventually got absorbed in the Punk Riot member's tomfoolery and shenanigans. Sharon laughs while drinking with some of the Riot members. She then shows off a little bit of magic to them. Tiny particles of magic form within Sharon's hands, leaving the Riot members dazzled.

Punk member: Ooooo~!!! That's rad miss!

Punk member: While we can't do magic, we can do tricks!

A punk member takes an empty bottle and flips it. The bottle swings in the air, landing upside down on its top on a table. The punk members roar in excitement.

Punk member: How's that? It might not look much, but it's actually quite difficult!

Sharon, her face flushed red from the drinks she's had, takes a nearby bottle. She proceeds to flip the bottle flawlessly, perfectly emulating the punk member. For a moment, the punk members stared silently in awe. They then begin celebrating in marveling cheers and nonsensical noise.

A punk member places his hand up to his head: Yooooo–!!! First try...?!!

Sharon places her hands on her hips whilst smiling smugly.

Nearby, Victor is bandaged and has a cast wrapped around his arm. He is getting along with the other members, making jokes with them.

A punk member pokes finger at another punk member, "Dude, do you want to know how this guy got into Punk Riot?" The other punk member says under his breath, "oh no..."

Punk member: This dude was actually a soldier before!

Victor: What?! What happened?!

Punk member: So ya know how we's wanted by the city, aight? One of dem bounty hunters or whatevers came up to us thinkin' we was civilians or something I guess. Man was trying to gather info about us.

Teased member: No...Stop...

Punk Member: So we just pointed to the nearest soldier in the area and told him that's actually a punk member in disguise! (trying to hold laughter) And...And...! And the dude actually believed us! Bwa! Ha! Ha! Ha! – The rest of the members also burst out laughing.

Punk member: We just said all that crap just to mess around with him! WE DIDN'T THINK IT'D ACTUALLY WORK! – The members continue to laugh uncontrollably.

Punk member (wiping tears away): And guess who this guy ended up running to for help in the end...? It was Jayce! HA! Not the mayor, or any of the other soldiers, but our leader!

Teased member: That's because it so happened to be only my first week on the job! The other soldiers tried to suspend me for suspicious activity! They were going to arrest me and run a thorough background check, aka. TORTURE!

Punk member: Ever since then, this dude was taken under our wing! Oh boy, ya shoulda seen this dude's face when we told him every thang that happened! At the end, we welcomed him into the group by telling him, "you've been punked!" – The other members begin laughing again.

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