Chapter 21: Suspicions

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Guards have been dispatched to roam the streets searching for Punk Riot. A Punk Riot member peeks from the corners of a wall watching the guards.

Punk Riot member: No good here either...

Another member: Yikes...these guys are everywhere....!

All of Punk Riot has grouped up, hiding behind an alley. One of the members is holding onto Hector who is still unconscious.

Punk Riot member: What the hell... Why are they serious about taking us out?

Random member: dammit... I still can't believe they got Jayce...

Another Random member: It's probably because they got Jayce that they're trying to wipe us out now...

Punk Riot member: What do we do now?

Feeling that the responsibility of leadership falls on him, Malone silently weighs his options.

A member suggests that they visit San, "What about San?! San could help us! I'm sure he'd help us out!"

Punk Riot member: That ain't sound so bad...

Punk Riot member: What 'ya say Malone?

Malone (nods): Let's go.

*Meanwhile at the mansion.

Sharon approaches both Tatsuo and Darren hanging about after returning from the bathroom.

Tatsuo: So how is she?

Sharon shakes her head – "She's still in the bathroom."

Tatsuo: Huh? Seriously? It's almost been 2 days!

Darren makes an offhand comment in his head: 'In a way, I'm kind of glad she taste tested the food before we all did....'

Darren: Hmmm... In that case, what should we do tomorrow?

Tatsuo: I'll be going back to old man San to see if he knows anything else about Veloren.

Sharon (confused): But he already told us what he knew of Veloren did he not?

Tatsuo: I don't know. Something about what he told us seemed suspicious. I feel like he's hiding something from us.

Sharon: ... Huh? Is he?

Darren interjects: Most likely.

Sharon: Huh?! You too... ?

Darren: Of course. He touted himself being this Veloren guy's fan, but in the end, he didn't really give us anything. Seems to me he's withholding information, or he doesn't know anything.

Sharon: .....

*At San's house.

The phone has been ringing for a while. San steps out of the shower, putting on a comfy bathrobe. He walks on over to pick up the phone.

San: Hello?

Heymlir: Hello San, it's me, Heymlir.

Heymlir: I see that you're finally back from your patrol.

San: Ah, yes... Sorry, I didn't find the thief.

Heymlir: That's alright, I've been meaning to update you. We have the thief in custody.

San: That's great!

Heymlir: Yes... And there's something else I need to talk to you about...

Blood ominously drips from Heymlir's glove, "It's about Punk Riot..."

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