Chapter 42.3: Underground Spring II (EXTRA)

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The group talks to Clara about their missing comrades. Clara comments that she hasn't seen the two. The three begin to talk to the residents for possible hints or clues. They come to find that there have been occurrences of people disappearing, though it only happens rarely. They also mention that most of the people that disappear have supposedly been adventurers, and not once has it happened to the locals.

The locals also report that there have been sightings of mysterious entities roaming in the night, but they are unsure what it exactly is. They also recall hearing the sound of wailing coming from the lodging on some nights.

Hearing this, Sharon fears that she may end up next as a victim. At the same time, the group ponders why Victor and Tatsuo ended up missing instead, if not Sharon. Darren morbidly jests that perhaps that the two of them are goners. Having said that, Darren wonders if it was remotely possible for anything here to kill Tatsuo particularly.

Sharon asks Windie to survey the town whilst the rest of them search the lodging once more.

*Meanwhile, in a dark, musty space...

Victor lays unconscious deep inside a dusky cavern with small trickles of light beaming from above. His body gets shaken awake. Victor's eyes open. He sits himself up, rubbing his eyes from feeling drowsy. His fatigue instantly disappears as he finds himself in an unfamiliar environment. A dark cave where the walls are made up of roots and entangling vines.

Victor's body suddenly jolts in pain. He wonders why his body aches.

???: Yo. Finally awake huh.

A sudden voice speaks right next to Victor, startling him. He instantly turns and sees that it's Tatasuo.

Victor: H-huh...?! Tatsuo...?!

The sudden surprise sends Victor's body in pain again.

Tatsuo: You okay?

Victor: I don't know...My body just feels sore for some reason...

Tatsuo: What were you doing here?

Victor: That's what I want to know! Why the heck are YOU here?!

Tatsuo: I dunno. I was feeling hungry, but you know how Sharon has the marbles with her right? Well, I didn't want to wake her up. She gets cranky when I do that. So I thought I'd raid the food pantry instead.

Victor: Hmmm...

Victor: Wait! Hold on! The food pantry?! Were you planning on stealing from the lodging??

Tatsuo: So then I was on my way, right? – He says, continuing on with his story.

Victor (thinking): ...Did he just ignore me?

Tatsuo: And then I saw a mushroom.

Victor: A mushroom?

Tatsuo: Yeah. I was really hungry, so I just ate it. But suddenly I started getting drowsy. And then I fell asleep.

Tatsuo: Then I woke up here with you.

Victor: Gee, how very informative. – He responds in a sarcastic tone.

Tatsuo: But that's all that really happened.

Victor: Well, at least you remembered what happened to you. I can't remember what happened to me.

Victor takes a moment to try and backtrack what happened to him.

Victor: Errm...Hmmm...I think I woke up to use the toilet...But then Darren was using the one in our room, so I tried to look for another one to use...

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