The door closed and then there were just two, perfect. She motioned Eunchae over, "Eunchae. We have a special mission today."

Intrigue spread over Eunchae's features as she nodded and leaned in closer, "What is it?"

Ever since Chaewon and herself had been making more of an effort to speak to Eunchae in English, there were a few funny things Yunjin had noticed. Eunchae expresses herself better in English, maybe because she learned from her mother who exclusively spoke the language or she just felt more comfortable doing so. She liked to speak English when she wanted to say something more private too, Chaewon told her that Eunchae had slipped into the language to talk about the boy she punched in her class. (Yunjin had given her a high five over that whole debacle, Chaewon was not too happy with that).

Yunjin leaned in as well, "We're going to make Chaewon dinner!"

Eunchae gasped and sat up straight, "That's a good idea!"

Was it? Neither of them knew how to cook, and Yunjin couldn't actually stand and walk around. The plan was to use the recipe from the food video Chaewon had watched last night, commenting that it looked good, have Eunchae run around and get all the ingredients so Yunjin didn't have to move too much, and Yunjin herself would handle things live knives, boiling water, and any else that was dangerous. With that in mind, they set off.

Yunjin took perch at the kitchen table pulling up the video while Eunchae stood right next to her and watched on. It took a few trials and errors but eventually Yunjin found the exact video; soufflé pancakes. Even the name sounded hard.

'Step one; add two eggs and whisk them together. Then add a tablespoon of milk and whisk it in.'

Eunchae was efficient at her job, quickly running across the kitchen and opened the fridge. She was still a bit short to reach the eggs that sat on the top shelf, but just managed to get them by standing on her tippy toes and reached it by spreading her fingers. The milk was a different story, having to carry the milk with both arms struggling a bit. "Yunjinnie? What's a whisk?"

"Something I don't own, a fork should do the same thing. Right?"


"Oh I don't have measuring spoons either, so a regular spoon should be a tablespoon two right?" Yunjin asked the kindergarten, who in turn shrugged and grabbed a spoon and fork. The ingredients were added and stirred together, then things went south.

'Add four tablespoons of soft flour.'

Wait was there hard flour? The four that Eunchae returned with was all purpose, that should work right? It felt soft. She added four spoonfuls and mixed it together then added a half teaspoon of baking soda as the video instructed. This didn't look right, but who cares it should still work. This is when Yunjin stopped watching the video, deciding to wing it.

Standing up and pouring some batter into a pan, she knew how to make pancakes, they weren't as fluffy as she thought they'd be. Eunchae now relieved of her duty, starting playing around with Rey, running back and forth around the kitchen as he chased her. Yunjin was distracted, so was Eunchae. It was inevitable something was about to go wrong.

Yunjin picked up the batter, about to try and add something to it for the next pancake when Eunchae ran right into her, her head bouncing off her stomach. Usually that wouldn't be a big deal, but Yunjin's wound had been particularly sore today; the impact made her drop the batter it, spilling out onto the floor as she clutched her stomach and gasped in pain. Eunchae fell back landing on the floor with a thud, tears welling up in her eyes when she looked up at Yunjin, immediately trying to rush to get an ice pack for Yunjin. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

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