"Did you tell her about the baby yet?"

"Actually, I think I'm going to do it tomorrow on our date."

Yunjin cracked a smile at that, Kazuha was going to be thrilled. "That's great."

"Speaking of babies," Sakura smiled followed by a particularly loud crunch, "How's yours, isn't the trial on Monday? Is she going to be okay with seeing her Mom again?"

The detective wasn't sure. Chaewon and her had tried to bring it up to Eunchae, tried to explain what exactly was going to happen and that she was going to have to talk to Chaewon and everyone in court about what Joohyun asked her. Eunchae's first question was if she was going to have to go back with her mom, but Yunjin wasn't all too sure if that was out of fear or if she genuinely was missing her mother. She knew for a fact Eunchae missed her, even if she wouldn't tell that to Chaewon and her, she had overheard Eunchae talking about it with Kyujin. Kyujin being five, had no idea how to respond but she tried her best and it seemed good enough for Eunchae.

The trial, another reason why Yunjin was losing sleep. The detective had little reason to believe Eunchae would be going back with her Mom for a very long time, but the sentence was what was bothering her. From what Chaewon had been telling her, Eunchae's mother had not been cooperating, insisting that she wasn't guilty of hurting her, that she didn't do anything wrong. And if the judges believed whatever she was about to say on the stand, she could be looking at only five maybe ten years behind bars. Yunjin wanted her to rot in there, for her to never see the light of day again because from what Eunchae told her, when Eunjung was in the position to protect her child, she failed. There was nothing Yunjin hated more than a failure.

Instead of letting her word vomit rush out, and overwhelm Sakura, she just shrugged. Yunjin had a therapist to unload this all on, Sakura had other things to worry about. She didn't see Sakura frown in disappointment when she did so. The supervisor didn't let that settle though, "Are you leaving to go pick her up soon?"

"No, today is her sleepover day with Kyujin."

Sakura chuckled, "Those two are going to get married one day, mark my word."

"Absolutely not, Eunchae is never going to date ever."

"C'mon, think about it. Childhood sweethearts turned lovers-"

"She's six!"

"She won't be six forever!"

"I'm tuning you out now."

Sakura laughed.


"I'm home!" Yunjin called out, kicking off her shoes as Rey greeted her enthusiastically wagging his tail as Yunjin bent down to greet him. She heard a muffled- something come from the living room, she rounded the corner and saw Chaewon laying face down on the couch, still dressed in her work clothes. She chuckled, sitting on the other side of the couch as Chaewon slowly sat up. The detective's entire body ached, she felt sleepy, all she wanted to do was order some takeout and relax with her kinda girlfriend.

"Long day?" Chaewon asked, opening up the container of chinese food on the small coffee table in front of them. Yunjin just nodded, letting her body sink into the couch.

"Eunchae's not home," Chaewon mused, looking over at Yunjin with that glint in her eyes, "Do you wanna...you know?"

It had been a while, at least a few weeks now since they had been intimate, and Yunjin didn't blame Chaewon for suggesting it. Honestly she wanted to as well, but she was just so tired. Chaewon seemed to pick up on that, diverting the situation and scooping a spoon of rice into Yunjin's mouth. Yunjin quirked a brow, "Yeah?"

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